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Looking for Clan/Group

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I'm essentially new to DayZ not very new to games or anything. I am decent at the game but still need someone who can help explain and teach the intricate complexities in the game. I'm a quick at absorbing information and adapting.


Age: 25

Region: US

Playing Style: patient and defensive

I play DayZ as a more relaxing game later at night so between the hours of 1am CST to 4 am CST maybe longer. If there is any clans or groups that'd be happy to have me. I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Check us out, no pressure. You don't have to have strong attendance or dedicate yourself to us when playing but we are a massive strong community of players, and we never play alone we also own our own server.

Just a few things about us, you'll find more info on the website etc.

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You remind me of my younger self, 5 months ago that is. I'd be happy to show you the ropes - I pride myself on efficiency. Check out my post and reply to it if you're interested. If i see your reply, I'll send you the info via PM. We have a small group formed now, but still need additional attendance to ensure regular presence.


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