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[RZM] Recruitment Australian

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[RZM] Recruitment

Hey, Just looking for a few people to be recruited to the Dayz part of [RZM] fill out the form and ill will get back to you as soon as I can. If anyone wants to know what server we play on it is the Haven Australia private hive

whitelist here ---> http://www.havenaust...c.php?f=21&t=12

Trades (you can be more then one)

Soldier (Infantry)

Machine Gunner (any light machine gun/ heavy infantry)

Medic (carries med supplies)

Sniper (sniper rifle and gillie/ covers a group)

Driver (drives cars)

Pilot (pilots planes, choppers etc)

Scout/scavenger/Spotter (range finders, gillie, silenced weapons/ goes into unknown locations for items and info and finds range on targets)

Chief (carries food for the team)

Paratrooper (drops in from the air into hostile ground)

Grenadier (M4A1 HOLO/ M16A2 M203 etc)

Statistics/stock (keeps track of other people, things that happen, supplies etc)

Mechanic (repairs/fuels things like choppers and cars)

Negotiator (talks to other survivors and does trades)

Day watchmen (keep watch of bas during the day time)

Night watchmen (keep watch of the base during night)

FORM - anything you don't feel like answering on this forum, don't ok i get people need privacy



Steam name




Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)?

Job(from list above or suggest one)?

Why do you want to join us?

You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people.Do you comply?

How do you deal with death (reaction)?

What can you bring to the group?

How often do you play?

How long have you been playing?

Do you have TeamSpeak?

Do you have a microphone?

Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups?

If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do?

Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays?

Experience 1-10?


Other information?

Edited by INKintheHART

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Fix your post. They have to register before being able to apply.

Note: Server has custom buildings and soon it's own mod.

Edited by Venzire

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- Anthony


- Marmiteinajar

Steam name

- Marmite in a jar


[email protected] (dont ask plz)





Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)?

- Survivor

Job(from list above or suggest one)?


Why do you want to join us?

- Talk to new people, collaborate and work as a team

You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people.Do you comply?

- Yes

How do you deal with death (reaction)?

- Dam....

What can you bring to the group?

-Recon, A good shot

How often do you play?

-Couple of hours

How long have you been playing?

-Couple of months

Do you have TeamSpeak?

- Yes

Do you have a microphone?

- Yes

Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups?

- Nope

If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do?


Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays?

- Weekends sure, but afternoons of weekdayz...... mmmmeeehh?

Experience 1-10?




Other Information?

- I like spaghetti?

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Name: Mike

IGN: booboofrsh24

Steam name: ReMiiX Regeneration

Email: [email protected]

Age: 18

Country: United States

Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)? Survivor, or bandit.

Job(from list above or suggest one)? Driver, or Mechanic.What ever you need

Why do you want to join us? I need a group I can learn from, show me how to be a better player.

You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people. Yes, I understand

How do you deal with death (reaction)? Usually calm, and then try to find my body.

What can you bring to the group? A loyal member

How often do you play? Everyday so far

How long have you been playing? 3 months

Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes, I do

Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do

What is your attitude to helping a fellow team/squad member? I like to help people, and the group.

Are you trustworthy? If you were given a promotion what would you do? Not abuse it, a promotion is not what a seek, but a mentor.

Have you been a mod or admin for anything? Only on Gmod.

Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups? No.

What is your opinion on team killing? Disrespectful and punishable by Death (only if its on purpose)

If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do? Kill that person, unless some tells me other wise.

Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays? Sure.

Experience 1-10? 6, I still need someone to show me the ropes

Questions? Any more info on this group?

Other information? None

Edited by booboofrsh24

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Once you apply me and the rest of the group read through them and say yes or no you will get a private message.

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Just wondering, is there different groups (clans) on the server? Seems like if there's such a large variety of roles and players in must group, there must be another clan that you plot against? Or is it just the random survivors/bandits/heroes that your groups encounter?

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We are up against another clan (and a few bandit ones). Our can in particular is not just on this server we play on public hives and a few other private hives but this is the main one we are on. We normally try and help other survivors, make trades etc but if we have a mission for example fixing a helicopter we will protect the helicopter and shoot anyone gets to close. When we are in mission mode it is vital that we follow through and complete the mission.

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Name Dmitry

IGN Bdoink/Dmitry

Steam name Bdoink

Email [email protected]

Age 15 (almost 16)

Country Australia

Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)?

Job(from list above or suggest one)?


Why do you want to join us?

I've got a group of friends we play with, but we don't play veru often/long as its hard to get everyone on at the same time, so I'm looking to join another group.

You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people.Do you comply?


How do you deal with death (reaction)?

I try to find a reason behind why I died and try to get my body/vehicle back if it had important equipment (eg:I like to really indulge into the deaths where I perhaps make tactical error, for example I opened up on a van earlier, shot the driver and the passengers but got flanked by one of the members who was escorting the van on the hill - this was something that I should've considered and took into consideration a lot more closely.

What can you bring to the group?

I can bring advanced sniper skills with most snipers, can remain calm and patient in high pressure situations (act as a scout/recon), I can fly choppers and drive vehicles well, I'm advanced in Chernarus but have very low experience in the other maps.

How often do you play?

Daily, average 5-6 hours a day.

How long have you been playing?

3+ months

Do you have TeamSpeak?


Do you have a microphone?


Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups?

I have a squad of four that I play with, but we are mainly just friends and play on the weekends for a few hours, looking for another group to join.

If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do? Kill them or at least knock them out straight away to avoid loot being stolen.

Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays?

Yes, available daily

Experience 1-10? 8.5


Only question I really had was answered.

Other information?

I am very serious and mature around armed and experienced players, but I love comedy and having a laugh when in a non-dangerous situation.

Looking forward to your reply!

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Bumping with beautiful can of beans :emptycan: oh whoops i eated it already :(

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Name: Shannon

IGN: ShazMo

Steam name: N/A Bought it retail

Email: [email protected]

Age: 23

Country: Aus

Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)? Survivor..I do what I gotta do.

Job(from list above or suggest one)? Soldier (good in CQC) but I can be most of those roles if need be besides a pilot. Havnt had much time flying Heli!

Why do you want to join us? Sick of running around by myself as my mates dont play this game. Everytime I try do a honourable thing some little prick will shoot me when my back is turned. Need a crew to roll with to watch my back and get shit done!

You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people.Do you comply? Hell yeah

How do you deal with death (reaction)? Depends on the circumstances. If I am betrayed then that shit makes me fly.

What can you bring to the group?

How often do you play? Everyday, maybe a few hours during the day and 3-4 at night!

How long have you been playing? Almost a month.

Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes, but havnt used it yet. Havnt needed to.

Do you have a microphone? Yes.

Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups? Nope.

If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do? Knock him out...Interrogate...Execute

Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays? Im available pretty much all the time.

Experience 1-10? 7

Questions? Nah.

Other information? Mature minded is better than immature. Im looking to get shit done on DayZ. Not run from Cherno to Elektro shooting anyone I see on site. My aim is not to be a fuckhead player. I dont get my kicks from ruining someones hours of hard work. I dont want to just survive...I want to thrive while doing it!

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Bumping with a full can this time :beans:

Edited by INKintheHART

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Name Alex

IGN Alex

Steam name AGameArtist

Email [email protected]

Age 12

Country Canada

Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)? Survivor/ Bandit

Job(from list above or suggest one)? Sniper, Scout, Soldier

Why do you want to join us? Bored of running around alone, and wanting to find a serious group of players.

You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people.Do you comply? Of course, always willing to kill some people.

How do you deal with death (reaction)? I'll usually mute myself and go get a drink while PO'd

What can you bring to the group? Idk.. Don't understand the question.

How often do you play? 4-8 hours a night.

How long have you been playing? Almost 2 months

Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes.

Do you have a microphone? Yes.

Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups? Yes.

If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do? Put them into a coma and interrogate then report to a HR officer.

Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays? Yes.

Experience 1-10? 6

Questions? Nope.

Other information? I'm maturely minded even though I'm younger than most.

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Hi There, Neighbour

Steam name:

Colon-Apostrophe-Capitalized-C (Occasionally just go as :'C) - Picture: A 'cube' of Dice, in an orientation that fucks with your mind.


I'd prefer not to openly say. If It's needed to join, feel free to PM me and I'll send it through that.


13 - Soon 14.



Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)?

Either of the three. I prefer to keep my options open, and often do what should be done in that situation. I'll happily kill someone if it'll save the life of a Friend / Clan-mate, and heal any poor Bambi's I find along the coast.

Job(from list above or suggest one)?

I'm quite comfortable with a Sniper, my main choice being a DMR or AS50. Likewise, I'll also be willing to carry Medical Supplies in my Backpack. I've also gotten around 80Hour fly-time as a Pilot, in both ArmA: 2 and ArmA: 2 OA (Each having around 80~ Hour fly-time respectively)

Why do you want to join us?

Seem like a generally great clan. Quite organized, and sure as to who you want to join. You don't seem like the type of clan that'll recruit, then kill the new-comer as they meet up for their Loot, happened a few times.. :-(

You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people. Do you comply?

Of course. If it must be done, it must be done. If it comes down to it, and I must kill the life of a Clan-mate to save the life of many more, then I don't have regrets in doing so. I would get their Gear and pick them up.

How do you deal with death (reaction):

I'm not going to lie, I do get frustrated. Not over-the-top, though. I tend to just take note of what happened, think of what I could've done to stop it, then carry on.

What can you bring to the group?

I'm a good survivor - I know things happen, and if I'm the one being shot, I wouldn't mind. I can play tactical, likewise I can just have a good laugh with a few other Clan-mates whilst we travel ect.

How often do you play?

Very often. During late-night, and mid-day. Around 1-5Hours a day.

How long have you been playing?

Joined DayZ in late July, early August, although I've been in ArmA: 2 / OA since early January. I've progressed from a Bambi with a flashlight to a highly-armed assassin, haha.

Do you have TeamSpeak?


Do you have a microphone?


Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups?

​No, I have been affiliated with two in the past - Left due to various reasons.

If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do?

Shoot him dead with my entire Magazine. Then he can be asked why he did it by a Clan Leader, who can then access the situation. If it was just good fun, or an accident, I'll be happy to come pick them up.

Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays?


Experience 1-10?

8. Played quite a while now, and I can equip myself quite well off-the-start.


Do you have any precautions to stop clan-looters? ie: If you join the clan to find the coordinates of the Camp(s), then loot them and leave, would get them Banned / removed from the Whitelist? Will they have to go through a vigorous testing-phase before being allowed to the Camps, Or..? I've seen this happen in Videos (Bandit Campfire), and it is quite annoying.

Other information?

Although, yes, I am younger then some of the other applicants, I think I am as mature as they are. I can bring a lot to this Clan, and I hope it'll last a long time, even if I am denied. Oh well, now. =P Lets not get too cheese'y. I also have quite the Internet speed (120MB/s Down, 13MB/s Up with 26 Ping), I won't be crashing quite that often haha.

Edited by Hi There Neighbour

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I do respond lol i will add you on steam when i finish school and message you. BTW Neighbor you are in lol

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Gabe Garrison



Steam name



[email protected]





Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)?


Job(from list above or suggest one)?

Scout, Driver, Day Watchman

Why do you want to join us?

I'm looking for a dedicated group to play along side. You seem like one of the best and most organized.

You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people.Do you comply?

I comply, but I am not eager to kill my fellow soldiers.

How do you deal with death (reaction)?

Death is necessary

What can you bring to the group?

I bring a tactical mind, speaking skills, ability to follow orders as well as lead. Willing to work my way from the bottom.

How often do you play?

I play anywhere from 2-5 hours on weekdays. 4-10 on weekends.

How long have you been playing?

I have been playing DayZ for three weeks, but due to constant playtime I have decent experience.

Do you have TeamSpeak?


Do you have a microphone?


Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups?


If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do?

Proceed to subdue them if possible. If they do not comply I would be forced to kill them on the spot.

Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays?


Experience 1-10?

7.5 due to limited gametime. Definitely willing to learn.



Other information?

I am willing to give my all to this group. I believe in doing things right and everyone can have fun in the process :)

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