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DayZ Halloween Event on 3 NOV 2012

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Saturday, November 3, 2012 from 1600 hours (4 p.m.) to 2000 hrs (8 p.m.) Eastern Time

I woke up on the beach. “Where the hell am I?” Disoriented and cold, I began to remember a living horror.“Was it a dream?” In the distance, I could hear howling and screaming. I pinched myself and did not wake. I quickly came to realize this was reality. I was thrown into a survival situation and began to feel the burning desire to live deep within.

“What do I need to do?” “Where should I go?” “Who can assist me?” I inventoried my equipment. “Man, I am in a hurt locker!” I noticed in the night time surf something floating. It’s a clear glass bottle with a cork in it and, “Wait?!”, there’s a message.

The message read:

“On this scary night, only the tricky will be treated. If treasures you seek, look to the coast and find what you’ve been needin'. The Zombie Zone between Cherno and Elektro will yield the most. Be wary of course, or wind up bleedin'!”


During hours of limited visibility, find rare items along the coast in vicinity of the main southern cities. But, beware of the tricks the PCGN staff have in-store for you; for they are plotting against you. Live or DIE as the zombies hunger for a fresh kill and thirst for warm blood.

Sin “The Merchant” will be the designated collector of loot items acquired by participants.


• No hacking

• No Killing!!! (Except for zombies)

• Killing Sin or destroying the Blue Ural used for collecting and distributing event loot items before, during, or after the event will not be tolerated.

• Respect toward other players and the PCGN staff is expected. If you get disrespectful, you will be dismissed from the event and likely be un-whitelisted.

In-game Conditions:

• The server in-game time will be from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. (dusk to dark)

• You start with an empty backpack

• The special loot will be found mainly in existing loot piles in Cherno and Elektro areas

• There will be active campfires, vehicle lights, and chem. lights scattered about


Established Procedures:

• There will be at least one designated vehicle with road flares available for players to use. You can grab some flares and... light up the town!

• Any player wanting to keep new loot MUST be checked in with Sin “The Merchant”

• To save your new found loot, find the Blue Ural. Coordinates will be announced.

• There will be a joint inventory between the participant and Sin

• Sin will have a helper to constantly view the Ural truck inventory to ensure player loot items are added correctly

• Immediately after the event, Sin's Blue Ural will be teleported to the regular whitelisted map

• Checked-in items will be handed out from Sin’s Blue Ural on a player by player basis

• You do not need to play the entire event to check-in items

• Items NOT checked in with Sin will be lost after the event is over

Examples of potential tricks orchestrated by the PCGN Staff:

• Place bear traps around the treasure sites

• Agitate and herd hoards of zombies to inter-mix and mingle with treasure hunters

How to Participate:

1. Register for the PC Gamers Network forum


2. Submit an Application for DayZ whitelisting


3. Make sure you include that you sign up for the event in your application and/or post in the official event announcement


5. Show for the event

a. Find treasures and enjoy your stay

b. Join us on TeamSpeak!

Server IP:

Additional Treasure scattered across the designated area:

- Golden Revolver

- NVGs

- Coyote Backpack


- Antiboitics

- Mountain Dew


- Rangefinders

- Camo, Ghillie, Soldiers clothing

- and more...

-- Loot Items collected during this Halloween Event on the US 1872 private hive will NOT transfer to the DayZ Public Hive --


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I really thought there would be greater interest in this type of event seeing how DayZ is a zombie-type game.

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The Halloween Event scheduled for today, Saturday, 3 NOV 2012 has been delayed to a date yet to be determined. The cause for the delay can be attributed to recent DayZ patch (version 1.7.3). There were significant server side adjustments that had to be made for the update and the database format for the Halloween Event would not transfer over to the new version without additional work.

Thank you for your interest in this event and we will drop by to provide an update when the new date for the event is established.

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There will be a big DayZ force-on-force event on or about the 14th of December. There will be two federations fighting for supremacy. Each group will be provided:

- A castle to defend

- UH-1 Huey

- Landrover



- motorcycle

It would be great to see some more folks in attendance.

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