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Day Z Patches

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Hey guys, with the release of 1.7.3, i was wondering, because some of the servers i play on havnt been updated yet, and some of them have, with Day Z Commander, you can choose which patch to install(1.7.3/ etc). Is this safe if i was to go install 1.7.3, then later on, install, and continue to play without losing anything and have no problems?

Any info would be awesome, thanks.

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Yes, I ran 7.3 for a few days, but wanted to jump on a private hive server with a buddy, so I took the risk and down-graded back to 7.2.6, and it worked fine. Didn't have to restart or anything, simply select it from the DayZ Commander and reinstall. I later went back to 7.3 when he wasn't around... no issues man.

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I constantly downgrade and upgrade my DayZ code. Not really a problem apart from when you are swapping to a server where it can become an annoyance. Haven't encountered any real issues yet, so you should be fine. :)

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