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questions about western and eastern weaponry

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I was wondering about that we are playing in post soviet country. Right?

In that case i have so far have found plenty of STANAGs in stores, military camps etc.

I have some kind of picture that this chernarussia isnt in NATO. So, Why so many western type of weaponry (most americans) we have been given? like m4s, m16s, winchesters, m24 and so on. why so few types of russian weaponry?

I know that next update will bring thoes 545x39mm bakelite mags to loot list. Im aware of that.

But why this type of a approach. it would be mutch cooler to feel that im walking on landscape of an former soviet country whit my avtomat kalashnikov 74, blenty of ammo and why not some other soviet type service pistol like Stechkin APS(google it if you dont know).

In a nutshell: more soviet weaponry and ammo at military bases. less western equalets.

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I think the story has reasons behind why theres so much NATO stuff around, NATO and the Soviets were ether laying the smackdown on eachother or were getting close to it. Its also possible that NATO was supplying weapons to the locals but that doesnt explain all the wreaked humvees.

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I think the story has reasons behind why theres so much NATO stuff around' date=' NATO and the Soviets were ether laying the smackdown on eachother or were getting close to it. Its also possible that NATO was supplying weapons to the locals but that doesnt explain all the wreaked humvees.



You have a good point. The EW campaing in arma 2. which take in place on chernarussia. were UN or NATO forces invades that land. Half way of the campaing, chernarussian military launched nukes on their own landscape.

Every thing went down really fast. you should play that campaing if it makes sense compairing to DayZ world. I think DayZ is the aftermath what happened during EW campaing. That would make some sense in some point.

considering to NATO hardware.

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