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Dr. Strangelove

Bringing Humanity to "Doorman is God"

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Ok, so I have sadly been getting burned out on DayZ so I have decided to find something else to keep me interested in going on until the standalone is released....

I have decided to open a medical clinic in electro at the hospital.

I figured the world is hell, right? So let's establish some sort of humanity too the world and see where it goes. I've decided to let go of my bandit past and redeem myself by offering medical assitance to others at the hospital. I was talking about this earlier on the hive and some members said it was "a stupid idea" and "you're just going to get shot." I'm well aware of this ofc, but I figured after sometime players may enjoy the 'reality' of what I am attempting to put together.

After some further discussion, other players seemed excited to give it a try, but were wary of my bandit past (well understood too). Others mentioned that it would be fun that once it is established to offer security for the hospital, while others felt it would be fun as it could bring more players to the area making grouping easier and fun for bandits too as they will have more targets to shoot at. In other words, it could be the start of something interesting.

So as of today, The Medical Office of Dr. StrangeLove is open for all....

Here are the details:

-No prejudice, everyone receives the same fair medical treatment, survivor and bandit alike.

-Currently the clinic is at the Hospital in Electro

- I will always remain unarmed without a backpack on so no sneaky stuff :)

Once established.....

-Those with a positive humanity who are interested in offering security are more than willing to help.

- Obtaining a vehicle of some sort to provide ambulance service

-I am always willing to accept donations (food, water, meds, etc.), but it will never be required. I will not accept guns or ammo as a donation.

So, come down to the electro hospital when Dr. StrangeLove is online and get your bloodbags today :)

Edited by Dr. Strangelove

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Sounds interesting. . . and incredibly dangerous/stupid xD. I'll look into this and after a bit of debating. I might hop on and help provide some sort of service at the hopstial!


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Moralfag here, willing to help you security wise, I can walk around as a hero if I have to but if I can stick to some sort of camo, that can work to, hit me up on this topic or message me :)

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