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Ornlu Wolfjarl

Serverhopping Fix Suggestion

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People exploit hopping servers for two reasons:

a) To get more loot from a single location (i.e. they are at a Deer Stand and log on and off to a different location to see if they can get better guns)

B) To avoid getting killed and losing their gear

To solve the problem, the devs need to focus on how to successfully fix both of the above reasons, while not impeding law-abiding players or punishing people who hopped to other servers for a legitimate reason (hacking, lagging, friends elsewhere etc)

For this I propose the following:

-> Fix for looting exploit: Let's say that a player named John is on Server A. If John logs off Server A, while he's still alive, and logs on to Server B he will still spawn on the same location.

If John logs on Server B and less than 10 minutes have passed since he logged off Server A, then the area around John (in a radius the devs will define) will retain the loot that was around John when he logged off Server A (for instance if John takes an AK-74 from a deer stand from Server A, but leaves the empty tin can, then when he spawns in Server B, the deer stand he will spawn next to or onto, will only contain a tin can). If a player (named Tom) that was already on Server B is in the vicinity of John's spawning point, then John will not carry Server A's loot "with" him, but instead the loot spawning process will only be affect by Tom.

-> Fix for death avoiding exploit: Let's say again John is on server A. If shots are currently fired at John or around John (let's say hitting or passing within 5 metres of him) or John is currently been seen by zombies, then John can't log out of the server until 120 seconds after the shots that have been fired at him have ceased, or the zombie(s) chasing him have lost him or John is dead.

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People also server hop to:

- Get badass loot with minimal risk. They find servers with nobody on them and loot valuable areas. Then they switch back to a highly populated server.

- Sneak into heavily guarded areas. For example again they go to a 0 population server, go into NWAF, get into a good position, and log out. Then log in on a highly populated server and now they are in a good spot to kill people with out taking the risk of getting past other players in the area.

- Breaking into fortifications. For example I've seen the Cherno fire house completely blocked off with barb wire. Well you can just hop to one server where it's not blocked. Log out and back in on the server where it's secured and now they are on the inside.

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