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Ghostdog15 (DayZ)

Workbenches and weapon upgrades

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You clearly missed the point.

Turpentine, petrol, curly packaging foam bits and heat. is NO MATCH for an actually harmful, specifically engineered weapon.

The refinement process for making military grade explosive material cannot simply be replicated in your "backyard bombs".

Especially during an apocalypse where hanging around a place will get you shot or eaten..

The best you could hope to create out of whatever you can find left in Chernarus is a low brisant "banger" which at best, might cause a distraction. At worst, will take off all your fingers.

Whatever 9th grade equates to, I took Higher Chemistry and know my way around the anarchists cook-book.

The couple of hours you spend building a bomb (which would be unlikely to kill anything, or even slow down a zombie which doesn't feel pain) would be a complete waste of time.

You could run around from town to town on a collection spree, finding components and chemicals.

Or you could just go to one of the many military positions and pick up some grenades.

Edited by Chabowski

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Bro, suppressor- Plastic bottle with sawed base, covered in rags, works for few shots then needs to be replaced(thats how it actually works, not an idea.)

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Another thing that could be useful is to make saddle bags for a bike. [if you can get bikes, i haven't found one myself but i have read some people have got one]

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Should be possible to make those tree traps, like branches with spikes on them, the ones that you can make in Far Cry.

a number of different traps for that matter. Edited by Ghostdog15

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Making a suppressor is fairly difficult though. You need precise machinery and you have to know what you're doing. It's possible, I won't say it isn't, but it would be fairly unrealistic for every random survivor to be able to make one.

I agree that you should not be able to make grenade lauchers and scopes ect without out the use of precise machinery, but i think you should be able to make crude weapon attachments like finding a empty water bottle and attaching it to the end of your Lee Enfield to make a simple but working supressor.

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Starwars Galaxies in my opinion was the ultimate sandbox, and the crafting system was pretty extensive. Though the game was considered too hard and they dumbed it down to the point that it died off. This game is already geared towards the hardcore and I think an extensive crafting system would be great.

I'm not sure about having static workbenches around the map, as that feels like Fallout.

Weapons, again modular design. Take an AR-15 platform. You could make it as complicated as having to find/repair the major groups. Bolt assembly, upper/lower reciever, barrel assembly. These parts can be found individually, and obviously interchangeable per platform. This means you don't need 10 different styles of gun in the game, but only 1 style of gun and countless alternatives. You have a single shot AR-15 civilian version but find a lower reciever that allows 3 burst or full auto, so you swap it out. You have a 14" barrel but find an 18" for longer ranger, you can swap it out and vice versa. Or you have something as rare as finding an 7.62/.308 converted upper reciever and magazines to now chamber your AR-15/M4/M16 platform into 7.62 which shares the same ammunition as the M240, etc... Then you have interchangeable stocks and optics/sights. Stocks might not do much other than being able to personalize the weapon. The game will need some things that just simply don't do anything for the gameplay, but allow the person to immerse themselves. Supressors is a big thing and can be found. Attached/removed as well as makeshift silencers. I do like the idea of a character gaining experience the more they do something. The better materials/experience you have the better products you make and thus the more pull you have towards trading... This would also make your character more valuable to a group, and would suck if you died because you lose all that.

I mean... crafting in itself is endless in possibilities from being able to make your own clothing, backpacks, armored vests (You can salvage ballistic material from damaged vests, they won't be as good as new vests but still offer protection), etc...

Some people might turn their nose up to these ideas and I really don't know why, all I do know is if it was in the game and you needed something... you would find a way to make it yourself or try to find a group that could make it for you.

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a number of different traps for that matter.

Traps are great, but I think they should be able to be made out in the wild. From simple animal trapping to human/zombie defensive traps... again, you can't start out making the advanced traps but you work your way up... materials used means the more effective they will be. I know all these wishes are just hot air because I doubt any game will take these ideas and make them a reality. Whether too hard or seen as not worth the time.

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Hate the sound of this idea to be honest. The idea is that suppressed weapons are MEANT to be rare. They shouldn't be accessible to anyone who just so happens to find a few random bits of junk that can suddenly be thrown together to make you a master of death. And once we head down this road, where does it end? It would just get ridiculous.

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I agree, it should be advanced. Maybe even for example when you drill you have to drill manually, and if you drill at a wrong place or hit an important part you should destroy or break the gun, for then to have to fix it with parts. I definitely like the idea of having to adjust the scope yourself, considering scopes wont fit perfect on every gun. Underslung rails, silencers, advances equipment like that should´t be craftable by hand, or not craftable at all. Laser pointers should be possible to make with normal weak lasers that you always had fun playing with when you were a kid, which also would require adjustment to make sure it points the right way.

I´d also love to see modification of Melee and thrown weapons, such as SPIKED BAT, spike grenade, gas grenade, etc.

dude, you have n oidea how much my friend loves nail bats. its kinda freakish sometimes

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I´ve always liked the idea of attachments. M4s and such should have underslung rails that can be found. Some snipers should be possible to detach the scope and use iron sights. Pistols should be possible to dual wield with less accuracy / no scoping down the iron sight, etc.

I´m not too known with guns and scopes in real life, so I´m not 100% sure if all snipers can detach scopes and such.

I like this, but please, no dual wielding. I don't think shooting a .45 revolver in each hand is very good for your wrists. I mean, some of the pistols out there have some pretty nasty recoil

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Hate the sound of this idea to be honest. The idea is that suppressed weapons are MEANT to be rare. They shouldn't be accessible to anyone who just so happens to find a few random bits of junk that can suddenly be thrown together to make you a master of death. And once we head down this road, where does it end? It would just get ridiculous.

The idea of a make-shift suppressor isn't going to make you a master of death. It will just enable you to have a slight advantage towards zombies and even players. It will still have a louder sound signature because it's not of the quality of a real (rare) suppressor you may find.

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I like this, but please, no dual wielding. I don't think shooting a .45 revolver in each hand is very good for your wrists. I mean, some of the pistols out there have some pretty nasty recoil

Plus this isn't an arcade game. No one runs around shooting dual-wield pistols, unless you're in an arcade game, a movie, or think you're a gangster.

Edited by Dreygar
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