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Big YIn

Clan {-SZP-} recruiting/ survivor fun on own server.

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Hi all

Have been playing for around 4 months and decided to start a clan/group. {-SZP-} Scottish Zombie Party has just formed. Myself and a friend started it and looking to team up with others. We have our own server ( DayzLingor - (1.0/98220) -(UTC) - (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) - (-SZP-) Survivors Playground [Vilayer.com] ) with 160 vehicles. We're looking for mature players with headset and mic to team up with and have some fun. Example : clearing towns of zombies, building up vehicles, arranged gun battles, building bases/camps, gearing up newbies, bandit hunting and hunting out loot. Would be great if you had Skype and spoke English but not essential. If interested leave reply to post with filled in application.


In-Game Name:


Experience 1-10:

Skype Name:

Hope hear from you soon

Dougie, 29 , Scotland a.k.a {-SZP} Big Yin
Edited by Big YIn

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Please all, start using Team Speak or alike, i hate hearing all background noises in this crapy skype.

Use something with the option of "push to talk".

I never use skype for gaming.

Just a tip.

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Age: 21 Tommorow :D

In-Game Name: Corey I think but able to change if needed

Location: Sunderland, UK (Not far from you boys if your in Scotland)

Experience 1-10: Played since about a month after release so a fair bit; maybe 8/9 / 10

Skype Name: As he said, I have skype but TS is a preferance.

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Age: 21

In-Game Name: Tilthan

Location: Croatia

Experience 1-10: 7/8

Skype Name: Thadris or Tilthan (some people find me under thadris some under Tilthan)

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Thanks guys, keep em coming. I am new to this server set up milarky , need to set up a team speak channel for server. soz

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Age: 23

In-Game Name: Mitchel

Location: Netherlands

Experience 1-10: only started recently, so about 5 I guess

Skype Name: mitchel.claus (would like TS though)

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Awrite Big Yin :D

Age: 15

In-Game Name: NUFF

Location: Scotland (:D)

Experience 1-10: 7/8

Skype Name: mynameisnuff

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Awrite Big Yin :D

Age: 15

In-Game Name: NUFF

Location: Scotland ( :D)

Experience 1-10: 7/8

Skype Name: mynameisnuff

The only "mynameisnuff" on Skype that i can find is from Portugal.

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