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Windy Miller

Looking for a group

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I have only played DayZ for a few hours now so I am still pretty much in the dark. However I have noticed groups of people do much better than lone players. A long with it being more fun. If anyone is looking for a new member or to form a group I will most likely be happy to join. I am 17, from the UK, don't really have a play style yet however I am almost always a sniper on other games due to my history and ranking on consoles. I would be happy to record if anybody would like that as I am a YouTube partner and would be happy to link other players in the description.

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Hello Windy, I'm also from the UK and I'm currently in a team of two. Strangely enough I also make videos, you'd be welcome to join our group :) Message me for Skype or something!

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I haven't got a Skype set up, however it's on my computer by default so I'll make one now pal.

Edited by Windy Miller

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I'm also looking for a group but where you're located and where I am are two different time schedules. I just wanted to say congratulations on getting into DayZ!

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Can I Join You Jester Im Also From The UK And Im 15 I Really wanted to record and i love sniping im at stary with lots of gear so add me on skype if u want Pingu12344

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I'm also looking for a group but where you're located and where I am are two different time schedules. I just wanted to say congratulations on getting into DayZ!

Thanks mate, good luck finding a group. My Skype is WindyMiller1495 if anybody wants to join me sometime.

Edited by Windy Miller

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