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How to Host a Private Game

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I want to host a private server for me and a few of my friends to play around on. I want to host it from my own computer and I only need it to be able to support 3-5 people. I can't figure out how to host the server though. Can anyone at least point me in the right direction?

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Not going to happen, Sorry I asked for this a while ago and got no joy.

It is possible, I know someone who was running a server on his spare machine... Unfortunately I don't know how. xD

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Well thats a start at lest. Any one know how to actually host it? I'm assuming I'll need some sort of software or something to host it.

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Well thats a start at lest. Any one know how to actually host it? I'm assuming I'll need some sort of software or something to host it.

I'll ask him next time I see him online.

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