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Chernarus Heroes

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Chernarus Heros

Too long have bandits had the upper hands over bambis.

With my new clan we try to be heros and help the new spawns in the coastal areas. If you wish to join there are multiple ranks and jobs, pick one that suites you:

Hero; (MAX) A Higher rank that commisions other ranks to areas and missions

Medic; (MAX) Someone who heals others on coastal/ inner areas of the map.

Cook; (MAX) Someone who helps thoose who needs food in and out of coastal areas.

Escort; Someone who takes workers to thier different locations of service.

Gaurd; A heavily armed man who helps protects others.

Private; someone who stocks camps, raids other towns, gets supplies etc.

If you wish to reply message me on skype (john.trollston) or reply to this post with this template:




Tell us about youself:

Form of communication:

Why would you be suited for this role?:

(optional) Age?:

Confirmed members with roles.

Hero: Lupatchi

Medic: Hendrus01

Cook: Flintlock

Escort: Dribeam

Gaurd: oeffler101

Private: Redfox

Edited by Lupatchi
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Yeah, I would like to join your Clan, but My Hero Skin and my Gear is lost by some bug.(Spawned New Without a Single Bandage etc.)

Name: Hendrus01

Location: Germany

Role: Medic

About me: I'm a Friendly Player, who Only Shoot when Someone begins to Fire, But I only shoot at the legs to Knock out the person, then i heal hem while there Unconsios and walk away.

Communication: Per Voice Chat or Skype or Teamspeak

Why?: Cause I'm bored of Walk alone around Chernarus to Heal some new-spawned

Edited by Hendrus01
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Role:anything u would like

Tell us about youself:i like dayz and also like to play in a group and helping people

Form of communication:skype/ts3/vent

Why would you be suited for this role?:hey i just wanna help!

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Yeah, I would like to join your Clan, but My Hero Skin and my Gear is lost by some bug.(Spawned New Without a Single Bandage etc.)

Name: Hendrus01

Location: Germany

Role: Medic

About me: I'm a Friendly Player, who Only Shoot when Someone begins to Fire, But I only shoot at the legs to Knock out the person, then i heal hem while there Unconsios and walk away.

Communication: Per Voice Chat or Skype or Teamspeak

Why?: Cause I'm bored of Walk alone around Chernarus to Heal some new-spawned


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Role:anything u would like

Tell us about youself:i like dayz and also like to play in a group and helping people

Form of communication:skype/ts3/vent

Why would you be suited for this role?:hey i just wanna help!


Edited by Lupatchi

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Tell us about youself: i like playing dayz and supporting other players in game.

Form of communication:Skype, voicechat

Why would you be suited for this role?: i usually keep a backpack full of food and water anyway so this role is perfect for me.

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Tell us about youself: i like playing dayz and supporting other players in game.

Form of communication:Skype, voicechat

Why would you be suited for this role?: i usually keep a backpack full of food and water anyway so this role is perfect for me.

accepted! add: john.trollston on skype, when we get 10+ members i will open a teamspeak server.

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Name: RedFox/Casey

Location: U.S. (PTD)

Role: Private

Tell us about yourself: I play dayz quite a bit, i love sniping and I'm a good pilot. Not much else i am friendly and trustworthy.

Form of communication: Skype (caseyhopkins97) or TS3

Why would you be suited for this role?: I am good at scouting and hiding and i would do a good job raiding camps.

(optional) Age?: 15

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Name: oeffler101

Location: Kentucky, Usa

Role: Private, guard, or hero

Tell us about youself:

Form of communication: Vent/Teamspeak

Why would you be suited for this role?: I think i would be good for ones of these roles becuase i have been in many clans an have been a leader an high ranking officers in several, i love helping people especially new members, an i like to take charge an do what needs to be done

(optional) Age?: 21

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Name: RedFox/Casey

Location: U.S. (PTD)

Role: Private

Tell us about yourself: I play dayz quite a bit, i love sniping and I'm a good pilot. Not much else i am friendly and trustworthy.

Form of communication: Skype (caseyhopkins97) or TS3

Why would you be suited for this role?: I am good at scouting and hiding and i would do a good job raiding camps.

(optional) Age?: 15


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Name: oeffler101

Location: Kentucky, Usa

Role: Private, guard, or hero

Tell us about youself:

Form of communication: Vent/Teamspeak

Why would you be suited for this role?: I think i would be good for ones of these roles becuase i have been in many clans an have been a leader an high ranking officers in several, i love helping people especially new members, an i like to take charge an do what needs to be done

(optional) Age?: 21

ACCEPTED, will set up a ts at end of month, for now we will use skype. add: John.trollston.

We need you as a Gaurd, heros, privates are maxed

Edited by Lupatchi

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Name: Todd

Location: Missouri, Usa

Role: Hero, Medic

Tell us about yourself: im a hero =/

Form of communication: Teamspeak

Why would you be suited for this role?: Ive tooken out a whole entier bandit squad by myself and i ran 7000 meters to save some guys life in elektro

Age?: 13

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Location:TX, USA

Role:(Open for whatever)

Tell us about youself:I'm a pretty funny guy, can lighten any mood up, but can get grumpy if I die >:(

Form of communication:Skype, Steamchat, or TS

Why would you be suited for this role?:I feel bieng in a group is much safer than bieng a lone wolf, whatever role I get, I will give it the most that I can.

(optional) Age?:13 (I sound like a man, and can act very mature if the situation comes up) Do not let my age fool you, Ive seen and done many things.

Im currently applying to GamerExit's clan, so whomever accepts me first can have me :)

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Name: John

Location: North Carolina

Role:Hero, Escort, Medic, Guard

Tell us about youself:I am a U.S. Marine.

Form of communication: what ever you choose to use i can get it

Why would you be suited for this role?: it may sound silly but i can probably apply what i know to a video game haha. if you have any questions feel free to ask

(optional) Age?: 20

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Location:TX, USA

Role:(Open for whatever)

Tell us about youself:I'm a pretty funny guy, can lighten any mood up, but can get grumpy if I die >:(

Form of communication:Skype, Steamchat, or TS

Why would you be suited for this role?:I feel bieng in a group is much safer than bieng a lone wolf, whatever role I get, I will give it the most that I can.

(optional) Age?:13 (I sound like a man, and can act very mature if the situation comes up) Do not let my age fool you, Ive seen and done many things.

Im currently applying to GamerExit's clan, so whomever accepts me first can have me :)

ill take your word for that, add John.trollston on skype. I am setting up a 50 slot ts3 server later tonight.


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Name: John

Location: North Carolina

Role:Hero, Escort, Medic, Guard

Tell us about youself:I am a U.S. Marine.

Form of communication: what ever you choose to use i can get it

Why would you be suited for this role?: it may sound silly but i can probably apply what i know to a video game haha. if you have any questions feel free to ask

(optional) Age?: 20

skype until a little while, setting up a ts3 50 slot server tonight. add John.trollston on skype, bieng your a marine and hopefully mature, i will test you for the hero role (basically like an admin)


Edited by Lupatchi

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Name: Todd

Location: Missouri, Usa

Role: Hero, Medic

Tell us about yourself: im a hero =/

Form of communication: Teamspeak

Why would you be suited for this role?: Ive tooken out a whole entier bandit squad by myself and i ran 7000 meters to save some guys life in elektro

Age?: 13

add John.trollston on skype (setting up a 50 slot ts3 server tonight), I dont care if your a squeeker as long s your mature.

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Name: Dylan/RockemSockem

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Role: Guard,Private

Tell us about yourself: I'm good with teams, good communication skills, and friendly unless provoked :)

Form of communication : Skype,TS, and any other type you recommend.

Why would you be suited for this role?: I'd be good for these roles because i'm familiar with military tactics and would be capable of defending.

(optional) Age?: 18

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Name: Dylan/RockemSockem

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Role: Guard,Private

Tell us about yourself: I'm good with teams, good communication skills, and friendly unless provoked :)

Form of communication : Skype,TS, and any other type you recommend.

Why would you be suited for this role?: I'd be good for these roles because i'm familiar with military tactics and would be capable of defending.

(optional) Age?: 18

ACCEPTED, add John.trollston (skype) until we get a ts3 server.

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ACCEPTED, will set up a ts at end of month, for now we will use skype. add: John.trollston.

We need you as a Gaurd, heros, privates are maxed

OKay ty i added you on skype

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Location: US/ California

Role: Escort

Something about me: I am committed to being on DayZ daily and I am a Mature Player

Communication: Skype, Steam, TS3, Vent, etc

Why this role is for me: because I have alot of Combat Experience and know how to take care of myself and others

Age: 16

Edited by Demissary

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Location: US/ California

Role: Escort

Something about me: I am committed to being on DayZ daily and I am a Mature Player

Communication: Skype, Steam, TS3, Vent, etc

Why this role is for me: because I have alot of Combat Experience and know how to take care of myself and others

Age: 16

accepted add john.trollston on skype for the ts adress

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Tell us about youself:i like to play games.

Form of communication:Anything. i have it all

Why would you be suited for this role?:Because i like to shoot guns.

(optional) Age?:19

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Tell us about youself:i like to play games.

Form of communication:Anything. i have it all

Why would you be suited for this role?:Because i like to shoot guns.

(optional) Age?:19

Accepted! add john.trollston on skype for the ts3 adress

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