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Lets not make bandits worse, lets make heroes better.

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The hero skin you get is cool and all, but why can't they get rewarded for being good?

But I'm not talking on the lines of damage percentage increases or speed increases. I'm talking about access to special actions that can allow self transfusions, makeshift repairing using junk you find, instant bandaging, not affected by cold weather (Because you're a very warm person TEEEHEEEHEEEE), or even an automatic shout of "friendly!" when you see someone (although, bandits and would be bandits can make use of that)

Maybe having high humanity (6000+) gives cues for bandits in the area (a unique sound effect maybe?)

As for farming humanity, the most effective way to get humanity is killing bandits and helping survivors. However, there are diminishing returns for helping the same survivor multiple times, which helps combat grinders that let zombies hit them and let their teammates heal them for humanity. And it would encourage others to help and trust other survivors that may have been shot by bandits or hit by zombies.

As for losing humanity, shooting and hitting or killing someone that is not a bandit is a humanity loss, Stealing from a tent that is not yours is a humanity loss and looting dead bodies that are not bandits is a humanity loss. Destroying other non bandit's tents, cars, fortified structures is a humanity loss. High negative and High postitive humanity does not reset, it only decreases. However low humanity and low negative humanity will reset.

As for people that don't want to be carebears, I suggest a survivor path, which bandits, neutrals, and heroes can all benefit from. The survivor path can allow for actions such as starting fires without matches, better hearing when players are around, less supplies needed when repairing or crafting, special clothing that nullifies temp or muffles sound, or mounting flashlights on your shoulder.

The survivor path is not a class or based on humanity, it is based on looting, killing zombies, repairing things, healing yourself, eating, drinking, and the days you have stayed alive. When you die, you lose all of your survival skills. (More of a reason to use teamwork)

Edited by Agiantstick
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I like the idea to give Persons with very low / high Humanity some Skills, but then the Hardcore Heros and Bandits gets Really Overpowered. For example, I have an Humaity over 20000 and my friend a Humanity from -30000. The we both gets overpowered, cause I would have better Hear Skill or something in that Kind and My friend would get a Sniper Skill. And with Skills DayZ gets veeery slow to a game like WoW or Whatever. But The Idea sounds interesting!

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I like the idea to give Persons with very low / high Humanity some Skills, but then the Hardcore Heros and Bandits gets Really Overpowered. For example, I have an Humaity over 20000 and my friend a Humanity from -30000. The we both gets overpowered, cause I would have better Hear Skill or something in that Kind and My friend would get a Sniper Skill. And with Skills DayZ gets veeery slow to a game like WoW or Whatever. But The Idea sounds interesting!

Well the Hardcore Hero is the solution to the Hardcore Bandit. I want to see the Hero being the hard counter to the Bandit.

And bandits won't have any perks besides they can kill whoever they want to and take their loot. As for the survivor path, those people should be rewarded for surviving that long to gain or lose that much humanity.

And I'm not asking for skills, I'm asking for rewards for doing good or surviving long enough and also a reason to survive longer other than "Lose all your loot"

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I've been thinking. How about giving dead bodies a proper burial, or burning them gives humanity?

In addition to burying dead bodies, every dead body buried can be used as a grave marker for people with low humanity.

A waypoint that shows up if you have a map or not, and can be used to get to an area or find what cardinal direction you're facing.

This effect persists through death if you have negative enough humanity.

Edited by Agiantstick
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I've been thinking. How about giving dead bodies a proper burial, or burning them gives humanity?

In addition to burying dead bodies, every dead body buried can be used as a grave marker for people with low humanity.

A waypoint that shows up if you have a map or not, and can be used to get to an area or find what cardinal direction you're facing.

well shooting infected gives you small amounts of humanity on occasion kind of like mercy killing allready hiding the bodies is just so you dont lagg the game up i guess

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I've been thinking. How about giving dead bodies a proper burial, or burning them gives humanity?

In addition to burying dead bodies, every dead body buried can be used as a grave marker for people with low humanity.

A waypoint that shows up if you have a map or not, and can be used to get to an area or find what cardinal direction you're facing.

Giving people a proper burial would take an extremely long amount of time, but digging a shallow grave and using firewood as a marker would suffice.

Would the map not be littered with graves? Would it not be TOO easy to get the benefits from high humanity by going onto a populated city on a populated server and burying everyone's body?

Just my two pence :D

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well shooting infected gives you small amounts of humanity on occasion kind of like mercy killing allready hiding the bodies is just so you dont lagg the game up i guess

Yeah, but having zombies give humanity might lead to bandits clearing their name by mass murdering zombies and people grinding humanity by camping towns. But if the humanity gain was very slight, like maybe 1 or 2 humanity for every zombie killed. That might lead to people with better guns and loads of ammo clearing towns full of zombies and inadvertently helping starting unarmed players get loot easier.

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Ummm...Hero's do have perks. Their sprint is faster than that of a survivor or bandit, and their vest stops low caliber bullets, such as M1911, Revolver, G17, etc. I also believe that in a close proximity, Hero's can hear the heart beat of other players (not 100% sure about that, even though I'm a hero haha). And I really don't like the whole tent idea. Because what if you play with a clan/organization/friends. What if you need something from a friendly tent that you did not place? Besides, if you are in dire need of something, and you run across a tent, it doesn't really make you a bad person/bandit if you steal from it. It's helping you survive. Same goes for dead bodies. I kind of like the whole self-transfusion idea. But I don't really like the whole repairing thing. Because you can't repair a wheel with scrap metal, or a windshield with engine parts, or a fuel-tank with wheels. So some of your ideas are pretty cool, some are slightly irreverent, since they are already implemented in the game. And I personally feel some wouldn't work too well in the game (i.e. they would be almost overpowered, or would just ruin it.).

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Giving people a proper burial would take an extremely long amount of time, but digging a shallow grave and using firewood as a marker would suffice.

Would the map not be littered with graves? Would it not be TOO easy to get the benefits from high humanity by going onto a populated city on a populated server and burying everyone's body?

Just my two pence :D

There is still the fact that they might get killed and lose humanity while they're burying people. Also, burning the bodies (a very crude form of cremation) would suffice as well. But fires would attract zombies.

I supposed there could be only a set amount of markers you could use. Maybe 5-10. You wouldn't want to place a marker on someone you killed in the wilderness, unless maybe there was a tent camp there. But you would place marks on bodies near airfields or cities, In the event you die, but still have extremely negative humanity, you could find your way back.

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Ummm...Hero's do have perks. Their sprint is faster than that of a survivor or bandit, and their vest stops low caliber bullets, such as M1911, Revolver, G17, etc. I also believe that in a close proximity, Hero's can hear the heart beat of other players (not 100% sure about that, even though I'm a hero haha). And I really don't like the whole tent idea. Because what if you play with a clan/organization/friends. What if you need something from a friendly tent that you did not place? Besides, if you are in dire need of something, and you run across a tent, it doesn't really make you a bad person/bandit if you steal from it. It's helping you survive. Same goes for dead bodies. I kind of like the whole self-transfusion idea. But I don't really like the whole repairing thing. Because you can't repair a wheel with scrap metal, or a windshield with engine parts, or a fuel-tank with wheels. So some of your ideas are pretty cool, some are slightly irreverent, since they are already implemented in the game. And I personally feel some wouldn't work too well in the game (i.e. they would be almost overpowered, or would just ruin it.).

I wasn't aware of that, although I played a hero (8000 humanity) for a while in Chernarus, I never felt like I received anything that great for playing like a good guy. My experience as a bandit on Panthera, Namalsk, and Lingor were much more fun.

Well the repairing thing would work in the standalone. As I would assume there would be more items to use in the game, maybe duct tape and rubber hoses for tires, scrap for engine and fuel tank parts, maybe just a makeshift net for a windscreen.

For the tent thing, I was thinking about permissions (kinda like LWC plugin in minecraft) that allows certain people in your tent. And as for people in dire need of something stealing from tents, I'm not saying the penalties for stealing a can of beans will be as dire as stealing an AS50 or Antibiotics, but there will be humanity loss

And as for ruining the game, stuff like that would be available only at a very high humanity, so farming to the point where you won't lose all your humanity is one thing, getting to the point where your humanity becomes very useful is another thing.

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Also; the humanity reset on people who have low amounts of humanity further reduces it, so they're stuck in a loop of none > low > none, only people playing long amounts of game time can actually get permanent humanity.

Burning of bodies takes a long time and needs lots of things, you can't just douse a body in petrol or place wood on it and expect the body to become ashes, it would leave a horribly burnt corpse, which would probably make you look like a psychopath, and decrease humanity.

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Also; the humanity reset on people who have low amounts of humanity further reduces it, so they're stuck in a loop of none > low > none, only people playing long amounts of game time can actually get permanent humanity.

Burning of bodies takes a long time and needs lots of things, you can't just douse a body in petrol or place wood on it and expect the body to become ashes, it would leave a horribly burnt corpse, which would probably make you look like a psychopath, and decrease humanity.

The humanity system is one thing. There is also the survivor path, which rewards taking risks and staying alive, and is where most people will get benefits from. I'd like to think of the survival path as what starters will be focused on the most, then choose on which path to go down, whether it be the hero or the bandit. As I said, if a person with Extremely high humanity or Low humanity dies, they lose all that came in their survivor path. But not what they lost in their humanity benefits. Think of it as this: High/Negative humanity person dies, loses or gains humanity depending on what that person was when he died, loses all survivor benefits when that person died, but keeps whatever benefits that person had at X amount of humanity. But say if that person dies and his humanity goes below the benefit requirement, that person loses his benefit and has to gain or lose humanity to get it back. But I see how someone could have extreme amounts of neg/pos humanity and not notice a loss if he dies, so it could be percentage based on humanity lost or gained.

As for the burning of corpses, I can see how that would be difficult, maybe burning corpses could be a bandit thing.

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Maybe there could be more benefits in survivor path rather than high humanity.

I have no idea what a perk could be for a bandit, other than not worrying on trusting others and being able to steal anything without consequence.

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And as for ruining the game, stuff like that would be available only at a very high humanity, so farming to the point where you won't lose all your humanity is one thing, getting to the point where your humanity becomes very useful is another thing.

I get where you're coming from. But I feel instant bandaging would be quite overpowered.

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"Bang Gang clan now accepts two new heroes. Bandit slots filled."

I think you need to be extremely careful when thinking of giving perks to high humanity. Even plain stats will easily steer some players into a playing style where they try to maximize a certain stat, be it murders or humanity. Sandbox goes out the window. That's a lot of sand.

The important thing for me is that humanity (visible or not) should never be resetted by dying or other way. Players must take the consequence of their actions - or buy a new game at least. Perhaps it's best if there are no perks at all. Some visible marker might be enough (I think the skins overall should give players unique looks).

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I personally don't like it, due to making a realistic game a more RPG style game... I just think it wouldn't fit...


Well the realistic thing would be that everyone would be out for each other's stuff, or people would group up to protect each other and their stuff.

Realistically there would be people trying to do the right thing, but probably getting screwed for doing that as well.

And realistically there would be paranoid people that will shoot on sight because that person might take their stuff and use it on them one day.

Which is what DayZ is right now.

So I guess there's nothing wrong with that and some people are probably be focused on implementing new items and mechanics into the game.

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"Bang Gang clan now accepts two new heroes. Bandit slots filled."

I think you need to be extremely careful when thinking of giving perks to high humanity. Even plain stats will easily steer some players into a playing style where they try to maximize a certain stat, be it murders or humanity. Sandbox goes out the window. That's a lot of sand.

The important thing for me is that humanity (visible or not) should never be resetted by dying or other way. Players must take the consequence of their actions - or buy a new game at least. Perhaps it's best if there are no perks at all. Some visible marker might be enough (I think the skins overall should give players unique looks).

How about making bandits and heroes basically unable to communicate with each other, help each other, or even coexist with each other.

Kinda like Alliance and Horde.

Vehicles can't be entered by a hero when a bandit is in it, heroes and bandits can't give each other medical assistance, they can't even look in each other's backpacks unless their dead.

The only way a bandit/hero can cooperate with another player is if they're neutral, being below the humanity reset threshhold.

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I get where you're coming from. But I feel instant bandaging would be quite overpowered.

Possibly, but very high/low humanity would be difficult to get.

Something like this needs more ideas, I agree.

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I also think a player with a high survivor score should have access to an escape route, maybe a rope ladder, or rapple.

And a person with a low to mid survivor score learns to make a "Breadcrumb trail" so you can find your way back to an area. Bandits with negative humanity score can mock breadcrumb trails and ambush people.

Hey, how about this? Books that boost your survivor score, people seem to not like the idea of leveling up? How about Survivor score equates to knowledge and wisdom, the longer you're out there the quicker you pick up on things? And you can read a book that has a chance to spawn anywhere, but what you learn in the book correlates to where you found it.

If you find a book in a residential, you learn a general survival skill that may take a long time to earn from looting piles and killing zombies. If you're in a military and you find a book, that book might teach you how to find your coordinates with just a map, or how to sway less with a gun. If you're in an industrial and you find a book, you'll learn a skill on how to repair cars, structures, and guns with less materials, or maybe how to repair things without a toolbox, or even how to strip a car.

But as soon as you die, everything you've learned, be it by book or through time and effort is gone.

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"Bang Gang clan now accepts two new heroes. Bandit slots filled."

I think you need to be extremely careful when thinking of giving perks to high humanity. Even plain stats will easily steer some players into a playing style where they try to maximize a certain stat, be it murders or humanity. Sandbox goes out the window. That's a lot of sand.

The important thing for me is that humanity (visible or not) should never be resetted by dying or other way. Players must take the consequence of their actions - or buy a new game at least. Perhaps it's best if there are no perks at all. Some visible marker might be enough (I think the skins overall should give players unique looks).

And why should humanity not be reset if it's low. My logic is that if you do enough bad or enough good, people will remember you and will try to emulate you, or avoid doing the things that you did. Do you think people will remember Joe Schmo who never broke 2000 humanity positive or negative. Unless he had an insane survivor score, I'd think not.

And I also think there should be a visual reward for getting above a certain survivor score. Nothing gamechanging, but an aesthetic (Maybe custom skin?) that says I'm smart enough, strong enough, resourceful enough to survive long enough in Chernarus, something few people have done.

Edited by Agiantstick

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No no no, there should be absolutely no in game advantage bestowed upon any particular style of play, be it those who kill indiscriminately or those who are addicted to doing good deeds. The reward you get for your own prefered playing style is that you get to play in your own prefered playing style without censure.

I know it sucks to get killed after several hours of gearing up and sneaking about, it happens to us all and for a moment we feel angry that someone has chosen to ruin our game, but then you think about it and you realise the exact opposite is true. You die in dayz because you deserve to die. You put your character into a situation where he could do nothing else.

Whether you got cocky in elektro after a successful church loot and then got careless in the firehouse, if you got sniped from the hotel it isn't the snipers fault you presented him with such a tempting target, leading zeds into an enclosed space with a single makarov mag and the shakes? - your fault. Dying of thirst near a pond with no water bottle? yep, your fault.

Surviving is extemely difficult on a busy server, it is just as dangerous for bandits as it is for heroes, the difference is in how well you play the game. As in life, if you do silly things, take risks where no risk is neccesary then sooner or later you will be punished.

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Okay, how about people with high humanity become healthier? They don't need food or water as much, their eyesight is better. Maybe instead of instant bandaging, their blood clots faster from small wounds, like a zombie hit. Instead of an self transfusion, you can sit down in an isolated area by a fire and heal yourself with a blood bag over time.

Maybe people with high humanity can teach people with low humanity medical skills, and people with negative humanity can teach military skills? Skills that go away when you die, obviously.

How about adding eatable vegetation? And someone with high humanity benefits from eating healthier foods more than a person with negative humanity.

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Okay, how about people with high humanity become healthier? They don't need food or water as much, their eyesight is better. Maybe instead of instant bandaging, their blood clots faster from small wounds, like a zombie hit. Instead of an self transfusion, you can sit down in an isolated area by a fire and heal yourself with a blood bag over time.

Maybe people with high humanity can teach people with low humanity medical skills, and people with negative humanity can teach military skills? Skills that go away when you die, obviously.

How about adding eatable vegetation? And someone with high humanity benefits from eating healthier foods more than a person with negative humanity.

again you are seeking to bestow some advantage on a particular style of play (undoubtedly your own). Having humanity doesn't suddenly make you a medical genius. Being without morals doesn't make you suddenly incapable of learning new skills.



As these and other studies show psychopaths excel at many things, in fact they dominate the top tier of business, government and criminal gangs.

If anything being 'good' should be handicapped.

Edited by Rastamaus

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No no no, there should be absolutely no in game advantage bestowed upon any particular style of play, be it those who kill indiscriminately or those who are addicted to doing good deeds. The reward you get for your own prefered playing style is that you get to play in your own prefered playing style without censure.

I know it sucks to get killed after several hours of gearing up and sneaking about, it happens to us all and for a moment we feel angry that someone has chosen to ruin our game, but then you think about it and you realise the exact opposite is true. You die in dayz because you deserve to die. You put your character into a situation where he could do nothing else.

Whether you got cocky in elektro after a successful church loot and then got careless in the firehouse, if you got sniped from the hotel it isn't the snipers fault you presented him with such a tempting target, leading zeds into an enclosed space with a single makarov mag and the shakes? - your fault. Dying of thirst near a pond with no water bottle? yep, your fault.

Surviving is extemely difficult on a busy server, it is just as dangerous for bandits as it is for heroes, the difference is in how well you play the game. As in life, if you do silly things, take risks where no risk is neccesary then sooner or later you will be punished.

Yeah, all of that is true. But people are just more prone to pick the bandit "shoot on sight" playstyle and the game becomes a deathmatch, why not make the hero playstyle viable choice as well?

And I'm not asking for people to be rewarded for making stupid mistakes, helping people is a risk in itself, honestly. I'm asking for people to be rewarded for surviving long and doing good. If you die, you lose all the things you've learned surviving and start new.

Don't you think it'll make for even better moments if there were more people apt to play heroes?

Say there are unarmed people trapped in the Elecktro firestation by a bandit sniper. But luckily there's a hero patrolling the town and hears the shots. He investigates the hill and finds the bandit. They engage and the bandit dies. The hero rushes into the firestation and yells friendly at the unarmed. He helps them find weapons and food, then sends them off on their way.

Or even better. After risking his life to save these survivors, the survivors were up and coming bandits and shoot him in the back while he's helping them gear.

I just think if there were more playstyle benefits, rather than all the pros on the bandit playstyle and all the cons on the hero playstyle, we'd see more interesting things.

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