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How would dogs work in vehicles?

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Would I have to just abandon the thought of vehicles altogether for my dog? Will he take hours just finding out where my car went, or will he bark "2, whERE are yOU?" I think come standalone/dogs, we should have the option to command them to get into the cars. And for helicopters, you would have to find a cage (Which could have a rare spawn in residential areas, slightly higher in barns, and then even slightly higher in supermarkets, but should still be remarkably rare.) and chains/straps so strap it down in the cargo. The cage should take up 10 inventory slots, or more, in both inventory and vehicles. This would also make the helicopter invaluable for gathering loot.You could command the dog to get in the cage, or if you want to leave it at camp, unload the cage and command it to stay. That way, you don't have to give up vehicles in order to have a dog.

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