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Possible optional loot spawn point idea...

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Create loot points that are not just random ground drops. Boxes, crates, tarps, bins, furneture, trunks on vehicles, trash heap, and anything else could be considered holding something of value. In doing this, you can control the spawn of items in a better way. Less air born spawns. Also, spawns can be controled better, thus when an individual enters an area they can see different spawn items as the spawn that drops in the spawn points is to them and not others. I'm not saying items dropped on the ground should be totally removed. Just some new style of item spawns might be added to the game. SO you can rumage through a car trunk or various places to find items not so obviously out in the open.

As for military spawns. Lockboxes, vaults, and other harder to get into item spawn holders might be introduced. Giving a more challanging way to get those higher end items. Some of these could contain traps or security safe guards. making it harder to just run up and grab that AS50 or other higher end items.

these are just thoughts to consider. Not end product ideas. Thanx for reading.

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The loot system is getting an overhaul for the standalone. I'm hoping for something like this.

Vehicles should sometimes spawn with some random items in them too.

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