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Hazzwold (DayZ)

ANZ 9001 [S.T.A.L.K.E.R]

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ANZ 9001 is DayZ in its truest form, played as it should be.

-Side channel disabled.

-VOP enabled for Vehicle and Direct.

-Users with hacked weapons will be warned by the server and kicked if they don't drop them.

-Thermal disabled on L85AWS. (The map does this, not the server)

-Vilayer Anti-Hax & Gotcha Anti-Hax w/custom script filtering.

-Barbed wire is cleared by server daily.

-US hosted (Seattle) Reported >200ms pings nearly worldwide, Australians get around 120ms or less depending on local connection.

-Non whitelist, just well moderated and administrated.

-Ping limit 500ms.

And of course, if you cant find ANZ 9001 (Power level over 9000?) just use IP/Port of

Also if you wish to player as the servers own [s.T.A.L.K.E.R] Clan feel free, but a STALKER killing another STALKER will result in a ban. Srs rules.

Edited by Hazzwold

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