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Hunting animals

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I find it hard to believe that someone hasn't already suggested this, so I think it's probably already out there. I can't find it so I'll post this anyway.

Animals should be a real challenge to hunt, almost a sub-game in itself. Domesticated animals you can just walk up to and axe should be very rare, as these will be quickly killed and consumed after a societal breakdown.

Wild animals should hear, smell and see you from quite far away, and run faster than you can.

I've hunted pigs with dogs and knives before, much the same as in this video:

Pigs are quite smart, and I've found when you're driving past they will sometimes stand still in the bushes so you can't see them, rather than running and making themselves visible. Their tusks can gore you and your dogs if you aren't careful. In fact, it's advisable to put armour on your dogs to prevent this.

At night, some animals will stand there for a second and stare back at you when you shine a spotlight at them. Perhaps some vehicles could be fitted with a spotlight for hunting? Maybe spotlights could be available to carry around?

This could be a really deep part of the game - simulating the behaviour of animals.

In the very least they could behave exactly the same as zombies, except they run in the opposite direction rather than towards you. Maybe territorial male deer would attack though?

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I like the sound of this

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I like this idea, I do think animals need to be harder to find and hunt


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Glad to see the positive reaction. Seemed really obvious to me, I find it strange that the animals are so slow and stupid. Obviously it hasn't been possible to work on them much so far.

Animals should also come to water for a drink. Then you could camp next to a pond and wait for them to come by.

Herd behaviour would be nice. Imagine frightening a herd of goats in one direction while your partner lays in wait for an ambush.

Fashioning spears might be useful. Skip to 4:00 in this video. Most people will find it pretty gruesome, but very appropriate for the game.

Board spear head from the 1400's:


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each animal behave in very different ways, aggresive to passive to just being scared as shit and running from any sound. Boars walk cycle should be also redone, and let me say, if they can have a life cycle similar to the zombies they should eat and depending on how well they are doing it will respond into how much meat they have. But this would be too hard to implement, so they eat sometimes. What about territorial animals? I know most of them are not in cherno, maybe wolves are. wild dogs and cats should be added, they are animals and would addapt to the times, What about the feature of making animals at ease with humans, just like they pretend to do with dogs in the "next" update.

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