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New ideas for classes

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Hey everyone,

I noticed that they are many ideas for classes on the suggestions forum - some are better, some are worse. While I agree that classes are a great idea, I think that the standard archetypes are rather boring. Instead, here are my ideas:

Engineer. Starts with engine parts, crowbar and toolbox.

Animal tamer. 50% easier time befriending dogs, animals are less likely to run away from you.

Clothes store owner. Starts off with camo and a tent.

Cyclist. Start off with a bicycle, and 15000 blood due to doping

Republican. Starts off with double barreled shotgun and immune to damage while in a church.

Democrat. Starts off with extra food due to food stamps, harder time finding supplies (reliance on handouts).

Radio operator. Can use global chat, after finding a radio.

I think this would end up providing great amounts of variety to the game.

Thanks guys.

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I like the diversity of the classes you listed. It gives the game a fresh feel from traditional "sniper" or "soldier" classes.

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Communist: +1 bonus for helping out in the beginning, but is really power hungry so receives a +10 bonus for shooting friends later

Democrat (corrected): Starts with a hero costume. Nuff said. ;)

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Australian - Starts with a hunting knife (Which he can use) Says Crickey every few minutes (Can be heard from 90 meters), has a leather hat with crocodile teeth on it.

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Terrorist: Spawns with SCUD launcher, AKM, rocket launcher and grenades.

Big no. Classes will completely ruin a survival game that is supposed to be the most realistic in it's genre, suggestions like this belong in the graveyard.

Edited by Solitude
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Classes will completely ruin a survival game that is supposed to be the most realistic in it's genre.

Strictly speaking, having every single person EXACTLY THE SAME is less realistic than some form of class system would be.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses IRL.

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Classes simulate the diversity of humans in a poor way. In the end you get the exact opposite, since balancing classes is extremly hard and some overpowered classes will filter out in the process of understanding the game mechanics. The diversity of humans is already very well represented by the diverstiy of the actual human playing the game. Some are better with snipers, some are better with assault rifles. Some like to focus on pvp'n some like to focus on finding a playmate (no homo). If the game offers you many options, diversity will result automatically.

Strictly speaking, having every single person EXACTLY THE SAME is less realistic than some form of class system would be.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses IRL.

Randomizing the players starting gear will result in respawning till you got the best. Therefore this problem cannot be solved and you just have to live with that for the moment. Maybe someone got some real ideas...

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Do we get killstreaks too?

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