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New Player in Search of Private Hive

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Howdy people, I just started playing today (really newb) I'm 22 years old and looking for a mature private hive, from what I've heard public servers are pretty bad, haven't experienced anything terrible in them yet, besides getting sniped right off the bat on the shore. I'm from eastern U.S, and U.K servers actually have decent ping for me, so U.S or U.K is preferable, thank you.

Edited by apostasy

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Hi apostasy,

If you would like a skid free environment with mature minded players then please feel free to apply for whitelist access on http://dayz.austerror.com

Please take the time to fill our the application carefully as this has thus far prevented any skiddies from gaining access.


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You can get yourself whitelisted for our UK server, we have players from all over the globe enjoying a great pinh and smooth frame rates. Details in my sig... B)

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