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Hacker totally confirmed, please do something

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I would like to report two hackers who are actually playing right now.

Server : DayZ - FR 86 | HFBServers.com (v1.7.2.6/Beta 98220)

Time : Happened around 20:40 CET

Names : [sv7] AlexSdr ; [sv7] Survivor Seven (probably a whole team of hackers)

What they did : Well, long story short, me and my friend first found them and killed them both, scavenged their bodies to find some pretty neat stuff, although we only picked up what was allowed in game. They had a bus aswell.

They came back and decided it was fair to teleport behind us both, and kill us. I managed to escape but my friend died.

They literally came back online, started insulting us, and they teleported right away behind me and my friend, knowing that my friend was like 3 miles away from me.

Hacked items + teleport, do you guys need more evidence ? You can check the logs or whatever you guys do to bust hackers, you'll see for yourselves.

Anyways, thanks for reading and i hope they'll get banned for this.

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