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Setting up small squad (4-6 people)

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I am setting up a small squad. It doesnt matter what your skill level is, what age you are or where you are from.

This squad is just for fun. All I ask is that you have a mic and skype.

My Steam name is andyguy.

Im 14 years old and Im from Ireland

Add me on Steam or leave a post below if your interested.

Edited by andyguy98

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hey i want to join. :)

my skype is rata487

Edited by thibault

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I see no one who has replied bothered to include their age and location as you requested (probably be good if you did in your opening post too :)).

I'll go ahead and do what you asked and see if others follow suit.

18, United Kingdom.

I'm just here to say this though:

If you feel like it, join my private hive server. Its usually full of UK based players as well as other parts of

the world. Hacking is almost non-existent and if one does manage to wreak havok the damages are swiftly corrected

where possible. its always day on my server and there is custom starting gear as well as a plethora of vehicles to

play with. I try to be as active as possible as an admin and interact with the user base wherever possible. Admins are

easily identifiable by their 'Soldier' skin, so if you see one don't be afraid to ask questions or shoot, if your that

kind of a guy :D. Hope to see you in-game at some point. To join it simply filter for dayzuk.com in Commander (or you

DayZ launcher of choice or the in-game browser, if your into that kind of thing :/)

To add to the above, we have a TeamSpeak server as well as a website :D

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I see no one who has replied bothered to include their age and location as you requested (probably be good if you did in your opening post too :)).

I'll go ahead and do what you asked and see if others follow suit.

18, United Kingdom.

I'm just here to say this though:

If you feel like it, join my private hive server. Its usually full of UK based players as well as other parts of

the world. Hacking is almost non-existent and if one does manage to wreak havok the damages are swiftly corrected

where possible. its always day on my server and there is custom starting gear as well as a plethora of vehicles to

play with. I try to be as active as possible as an admin and interact with the user base wherever possible. Admins are

easily identifiable by their 'Soldier' skin, so if you see one don't be afraid to ask questions or shoot, if your that

kind of a guy :D. Hope to see you in-game at some point. To join it simply filter for dayzuk.com in Commander (or you

DayZ launcher of choice or the in-game browser, if your into that kind of thing :/)

To add to the above, we have a TeamSpeak server as well as a website :D

Server has a password. :(

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