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All my stuff is gone?

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My AS50, M16 CCO, and etc is all gone from all Chernarus Servers, I haven't been on in like a week and when I checked it just said create new character Male, Female, the usual stuff, and now I'm in Kamenka with no loot. I know it's not private hive because I tried like 5 servers. What happened, and is there anything I can do?

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Number one rule - Don't get attached to your gear. :P

But in all seriousness, are you 100% sure your not on private hives ? A hell of alot of servers have switched to private hive now, even if it says Chernarus map.

Have you got a server name so someone can find out for sure if its on the main hive still ?

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Number one rule - Don't get attached to your gear. :P

But in all seriousness, are you 100% sure your not on private hives ? A hell of alot of servers have switched to private hive now, even if it says Chernarus map.

Have you got a server name so someone can find out for sure if its on the main hive still ?

I'm sure it's not private hive I had it on because I had my stuff on almost every server. Also, when I go on servers, I'm in the same place on every server, Kamenka

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