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We need Radios in all the towns....

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We need radios in all the towns so servers can do vocal Public service announcements and play music through them. It would be cool to add to the since your more alone than ever. We could even broad cast like news about the rest of the world. Like as if Chern was quarantined from the rest of the world. That would be awesome....

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Um, no. This is post-apocalyptic Chernarus, not a public forum or facebook. When im crawling through a zombie-filled town, the last thing I want to hear is down with the sickness blasting from some radio I cant even see, or even worse some guy going on about stupid shit I couldn't care less about.

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Ok and your missing the point of this. All you people want immersion. Well this is about as deep as it gets... Whats worse.. thinking your alone or knowing the world left you to rot while everyone moved on? You really missed my point buddy.

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You guys are also missing where rocket got his ideas for this "zombies" he took them from 28 days later. Which in that movie, the world left the UK to rot. They quarantined them and literally just let them rot. Yet in the movie, the guy looked up and saw a jet liner over head still going on about daily business. Its far more scary to know the world left you to rot and die while everyone else goes on about their daily business. It's a lot more heart wrenching and depressing knowing that also.

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Alright, I spent 20 minute trying to dissect your comment, and I think I finally understand what you said. When I play this game, I don't want to be reminded that this is a game. Immersion is the only thing that makes video games, particularly this one, unique. It literally breaks my heart when I see a game or mod go down the path you want, and im pretty sure most gamers agree with me.

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We can't have our own custom radio functions for a reason.

This would be abused ad nauseum.

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Thats why it can also be a server option to have it or not. I think it adds to the immersion for the simple fact you know the rest of the world is moving on with with out. Also if they were to add random events you could get possible announcements like. "The UN today decided to increase the amount of Cleansing Squads sent to Chern." So like you might see a increased amount of npc scripted convoys that kill everything in sight.

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Radios would be great.

Radios could also allow players to hear that static and maybe other survivors (NPCs) or event updates on what is going on to build the lack of hope and the feeling your own your own.

Stationary Radios (large ones) would also be good tools to trigger or give players hints on tasks/side missions that could be done. IE. Getting power back to city/town even if the lighting is limited.

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Radio would be a tremendous feature...with a live broadcaster over the airwaves, it would be a cracking use of community spirit and hugely believable.

Underground radio to keep you alive.

A delight.

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See these other people get what I am saying. You people seem to think that being "alone" is more intense. In reality it isn't, like I said whats more intense is the fact that you know others are out there and the world is still going forward. That instills a bigger sense of dread and depression than being alone.

The mind wants something to grasp on to, so when you know the world is still going on and the rest of the world choose to let chern rot and just fade away basically and keep them quarantined.

The people that "don't" get what I am saying need to look up some topics on psychology and how the mind works. The human mind can cope with being alone. It can't cope knowing that there is still a world out there with people and yet it can't do anything about it because it is quarantined to an area with no way out.

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Nothing is more telling and deafening and depressing then silence. The mind fills that void with bad scenarios anyway, it doesn't need any help.

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Put a CB radio or two in there...those that have it can listen to all the crap they want, Just don't pump it out in towns or force others to have to put up with it.

I'm trying to hear that footstep to tell whether it's a survivor or z.NEWS FLASH! Blah blah blah

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Hmmm I imagine this scenario:

You walk into town, avoid all zombies, start looting and scavenging, move tactically between buildngs.

You almost made it to that church/shopping centre/office building with the good stuff.

Suddenly from a speaker right above you a loud "Bugle call" blares out, announcing that the server is shutting down in 15 minutes.

All zombies in and around the town stop in their motion and look into your direction.

They yell unisono as if controlled by one master zombie.

Immediately you are swarmed and maimed to death.

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This thread is a good example of how when you make a suggestion, you should be clear on what you mean. Otherwise people take their preconceived ideas, fill in blanks, and start arguing with you about something you (maybe) never intended.

One extreme: A magical global audio broadcast that endlessly spams you with news and other scripted blabber: not what anybody wants and not what the OP was suggesting.

Other extreme: Introducing radios into the game as items (too heavy to carry maybe? like HAM/military radios), that you can scan the frequencies freely on. Two players in the game hit the same frequency, they can talk. Combined with disabling the global chat, this could be neat. Imagine listening in on the chatter between a group of bandits talking about where their stashed car is or something.

Emergency broadcast systems as Lukio describes sound like they might be fun too.

Picking up signals from the "outer world", well, in principle yes, I think it sounds cool, but it'd have to be done right. 10 scripted little monologues that repeat would not work. Being able to climb to some high point and set up an antenna and pick up bits and pieces of something, maybe.

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Agreed tentactle the OP is a bit broadly defined.

If I remember from Fallout there were these robots flying around in the air, playing PSAs & music, you could receive music on your PIP thing as well. Probably this is more like what the OP means?

Maybe randomly spawn a radio sound source in some of the not-enterable building, just for atmosphere, have it play some sound bit every 10-15 minutes. Personally it got on my nerves in Fallout, but thats just me I guess.

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I was playing that Dynamic Zombie Sandbox mod with my old unit, and we had ACRE running.


It was really fun having to scavenge for different types of radio with varying ranges to make contact and hook up with the rest of my unit on the server.

I think ACRE would be a great addition.

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