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Suggestion for regearing from corpses, mangled bodies.

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So, was perusing the forums, as per usual. I've seen a lot of threads lately that discuss turning into a zombie, which I know won't happen; we're immune. All of these threads mentioned the undead player corpse still having the backpack they died with.

Well, doesn't that just facilitate the 'run up and regear yourself' mentality that a lot of people spawning in have? As it is now, if you die, a lot most likely will run towards their body in the hope that someone else hasn't looted it by now.

So I pondered for a few moments.

Stopped playing Borderlands 2 for a bit, pondered some more.

When these infected persons kill you, they're eating you. I'm not going to go into gristly detail, but I'm sure there is all manner of violent gore and gristle being devoured and flung haphazardly about.

Wouldn't it be fun if a player died, and the zeds accidentally scattered all his/her gear around the corpse? For instance, the backpack could have been ripped apart, and the zeds kicked or shoved all the stuff that was inside around randomly, even maybe stepping on and ruining food. It would definitely be more realistic than finding a body with all the gear intact, in pristine condition. If there is some way to add conditions to backpacks, such as if you can add a torn or ripped state to it, making it hold less, or even have a chance to drop smaller items from inside randomly, that would be a neat addition as well.

This also brings along the suggestion that perhaps the bodies would appear to be half eaten, missing limbs, blood and guts everywhere, you get the idea.

Anywho, thoughts, criticisms, suggestions always welcome.

Edited by Riem
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I think we need a mechanism to prevent somehow running to your corpse and collecting all your stuff. This denies the whole permadeath idea. And much worse, if every corpse is looted by the killer first (which shouldn't be prevented) and by yourself after, there is no item sink... The items on players in average get better and better. In the end we have a situation like now. AS50's and L85's everywhere...

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I think we need a mechanism to prevent somehow running to your corpse and collecting all your stuff. This denies the whole permadeath idea. And much worse, if every corpse is looted by the killer first (which shouldn't be prevented) and by yourself after, there is no item sink... The items on players in average get better and better. In the end we have a situation like now. AS50's and L85's everywhere...

I completely agree with this. I'd like to see if perhaps the zeds actually drag the body off from where you died, maybe leaving pieces in their wake.

Some items could also be damaged in the infected's desire to dance around in your ribcage, scattering stuff hither and thither.

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