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Track IR and DayZ

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Just want to know if a TrackIR works well with ARMA 2 or DayZ? So I know if it is worth the effort to set it up.

Anyone using one?

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Just want to know if a TrackIR works well with ARMA 2 or DayZ? So I know if it is worth the effort to set it up.

Anyone using one?

Works fine.

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It works perfectly with arma 2 and dayz. Also the zooming feature is enabled, movement seems really fluid and heavily enhances awareness.

Works out really well in dayz because you need to have your head on a swivel all the time, checking for zeds and other players.

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I love my IR use it for almost all of my games most of all for arma its one thing i cant live with out now when trying to fly a chopper or jet makes it a 1000 times easyer

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I bought one for Arma II but i wouldnt recommend it, it make me feel nauseous, Plus I find holding a button to look around just as effective.

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I use TrackIR 5 every day with DayZ and I strongly recommend it. It helps giving a better situational awareness.


to get some idea of how it improves the gameplay.

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TrackIR does take a little getting used to, but it never made me feel sick. I have a feeling that many of the players complaining about TrackIR making them nauseous are playing with a low framerate.

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Love my track IR and DayZ - works like a charm. And personally for me, it really helps with immersion.

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Its amazing. Does take a little to get used to and to get your response curves setup to your liking.

Its great how you can spot someone else using it too, gives great immersion to see all the head movements and stuff.

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Tried FaceTrackNoIR, worked smoothly enough but there was no way to zero out the cam and it gets really jumpy. If anyone's got a good setup that's smoother, I wouldn't mind taking a look again... It has to be in just the right place, or you get skewed results.

However, the gradient lean is awesome.

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Track IR making people sick??? Thats the first time I've EVER heard that.

I purchased my Track IR for the sole puropose of using it in Arma/Arma2. Awesome using it in vehicles, on foot the ALT key works fine too.

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Just set up my Trackir4pro, which i got for il2 back in the days and since Cliffs of Dover didn't took off (yet) wasn't used much lately. Played a bit arma 2 and it seems to be working pretty well, will try it online tomorrow. Thx

What's the ALT key for?

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I recently got one and I love it. It did take a bit of getting used to, but now I cant imagine playing without it.

I think it was the final step for me becoming a full on nerd.

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Just set up my Trackir4pro' date=' which i got for il2 back in the days and since Cliffs of Dover didn't took off (yet) wasn't used much lately. Played a bit arma 2 and it seems to be working pretty well, will try it online tomorrow. Thx

What's the ALT key for?


Free control of your head. Same as TrackIR, but you have to use your mouse and hit alt.

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I've had my Track IR 5 for flight sims and racing sims for some time now, but ARMA II has always been an added bonus. Day Z almost makes the purchase worthwhile in its own right now.

You can of course use freelook with Alt, but with Track IR you can run or walk, change direction with the mouse, all while scanning different directions. For example, you can keep your head pointed at a couple of zeds at a house while still using the mouse to navigate around the edge of a forest. Or you can run across a clearing and maintain a scan.

It adds to the immersion and becomes so second nature that I can't watch a YouTube vid of RoF, CloD, rF2, CARS, ARMA or Day Z without instinctively panning my head a little to look around in the vid before realising and feeling like a twit.

Best of all for Day Z, once you're used to it, is that when you're walking close to players or zeds, or in dense woods, if you hear a sound to your left or right you instinctively look in that direction.

Once you're accustomed to it you can't go back

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