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Experienced Group for EU Players

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So im putting together a smallish group of experienced, mature DAYZ players who want to fight together as an organized team. You MUST know the map, know how the game works and pull your own role in the squad. I have a base set up with weapons, gear, vehicles and pretty much everything. To gain access to the base you have to earn my trust first. Communication is done via steam or TS.

The group will operate in certain roles. Of course you dont need to play one role 24/7, but you should have one that we cant count for you to fill when we go looting/pvp etc. Well split into a sniper-team and a fire team. Roles are as follows. Driving, looting and supplying will be done by all.

Sniper (Sniper-team): Provide sniper support and covering fire from long-range with powerful snipers.

Spotter (Sniper-team): Spot for the sniper, provide cover when needed, protect the sniper with medium range weapons (DMR, L85, M16 ACOG, M14..)

Medic (Fireteam): Carry medical supplies, heal injured team-mates. Any weapon you feel comfortable with.

Support (Fireteam): Carry a LMG, provide covering fire, mow down zeds and enemies. Also carry extra ammunition for squad mates.

Assault (Fireteam): In the middle of action, kill zeds and players, LOOT LOOT LOOT. Preferably some kind of assault rifle.

To join you must be ATLEAST 16, live in the EU or atleast have good ping on EU servers and experienced. If your intrested leave a PM or message me on steam.

In the message you should have:

- Name or whatever you want to be called and dayz name:

- Age:

- Do you have skype and TS:

- How experienced you are:

- What role you would like to play/play best (Sniper, spotter, medic, support, assault):

- Something funny ? ;)

EDIT: Also im only looking for one player to fill every role. So well be a group of six (maybe 2 assault). :)

Edited by Kopss
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Name - Aaron

Age - 17

Ts3 and Skype: both, add my skype : aaronihle

I've been playing for a long time, know what im doing

role : doesnt matter

fuck the TWS

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DayZ name: Infected

Age: 19

I have skype and TS3

Experienced, played on: Chernarus, Lingor, Namalsk, Panthera

Role: Medic or assault


Edited by 1nfected
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Name: Trilby Ash

Age: Seventeen years young.

I have both Skype and TS3, no problems there.

I'm fairly experienced,

I'd probably be best at being a Spotter/Medic. I like sniping, but i'm sure these guys are better than myself. xD

Just to say, my specialties lie in navigation, transportation and extractions. And I guess being used as live bait too. :3 I've had lots of experience and practice with Helicopters, as well as land based vehicles. (Had a boat once, didn't do -too- bad with it.)

Looking forward to your response! ~Trilby

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- Name or whatever you want to be called and dayz name: Josh | Queman

- Age: 22

- Do you have skype and TS: both

- How experienced you are: ~40h playtime -good experience in surviving, stacking up loot fast. low xp in killing ppl - only defend myself

- What role you would like to play/play best (Sniper, spotter, medic, support, assault): Medic or Support

- Something funny ? www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiaS44eHkyQ

Edited by Queman

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- Name or whatever you want to be called and dayz name: Either Remoz or Emil

- Age: 15

- Do you have skype and TS: Indeed i do.

- How experienced you are: Rather experienced, got dayZ a week ago and i've had Arma for around 5 months now.

- What role you would like to play/play best (Sniper, spotter, medic, support, assault): medic or assauly preferably, i can also do as a Sniper.

- Something funny ? Nope.

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Josh I sent you a pm and remoz sadly were full and 16+

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