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[LFM] US players group

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Hi yall, my friends and I are fairly new to this mod and we are looking for players to join us, we will learn together, play together and hopefully develop some kind of brotherhood. We are central time and play on weekends. we use steam voice chat or teamspeak. It doesnt matter if you are new or experienced, we are just trying to have a good time. so If you interested comment back wtih:

Steam Name(if u dont have one its fine):


country of origin:

How long you played:

Skills ingame:

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steam: Skroops

Age: 20

Country: US of A

gameplay: 3 days :/

Skills: bodyguard and know the map

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Steam Name(if u dont have one its fine): _mcloven_


country of origin:England

How long you played: 2 months

Skills in game: Sniping,Stealth,Driving,Piloting, getting supplies

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Steam Name(if u dont have one its fine):nah


country of origin:USA

How long you played:1month

Skills ingameReal good played bf3/cod msot of life i like 2 rush or snipe doesnt matter.

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