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Suggestion: Medical Supply Changes

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These were a few changes that I thought would be a neat addition to DayZ to add a more realistic approach to how things work medically!

Current Medical Supplies

Pain Killers







-Pain Killers

Don’t spawn with any

Add a slight blurring effect for the beginning of the dosage

Depending on the severity of the wound, might have to take more than one


Don’t spawn with any

With broken a leg, you walk slower after the healing for a short period of time, maybe an hour-ish?

A little less common, most people don’t have morphine in their house.




Only spawn with one

Depending on the severity of the wound, might have to take more than one

-Blood Bag

Make a lot less common



Suggested Features

-Blood Types

A, B, AB, O

New Item: Blood Type Tester - Tests your blood to see what type you have

Wrong blood type given results in slow death

Blood type changes with each new life

The effects of the changes

With medical supplies being a lot less common. They become a type of “currency”.

Blood bags become more valuable because there would be different blood types.

Hospitals will be a lot more contested.

People will have to wait longer at hospitals because all the supplies they needed weren’t there because they are scarce.

Will cause people to be more cautious in town. Helps eliminate the “Rambo”.

Will help make people think twice before PvPing. Do I shoot him? Will the zombies kill me? Do I have enough medical supplies?

Might cause more random killing for medical supplies? – This would be bad.

Might encourage group playing. Working together around hospitals to get the medical supplies.

I know I will get a bunch of responses like "OMG DOOD THIS WULD BE GHEY" but thats because you're the type of people im trying to make this game harder for. Trying to keep people like you from running through a town thinking he is hot shit.

Anyways... let the flame war begin.



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Blood types would be bucking fonkers.

Morphine should also kill from an overdose. Two/Three shots = slow death.

Two shots of morphine could give you a vision change.

I like your pain pills idea.

I disagree with your bandage idea if only because it takes too long to apply one. At best, 7-8 seconds and if I need another one I'm already down to 6k and looking for cans of beans to shove down my gullet.

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Hmmmm maybe with the bandages you might have to change them out? If it was a gun shot wound you may have to swap out the bandages. The bleeding might slowly come back?

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Would like to see these kind of changes! Maybe not the blood types.

But I would prefer this two to be like...

-Pain Killers

Don’t spawn with any

Depending on the severity of the wound, might have to take more than one.

Take a while for effect, slowly ~10 min


Don’t spawn with any

Add a slight blurring effect for the beginning of the dosage, for ~15 min.

Don't fix a broken leg. But take away the pain of a broken leg (like lots of painkillers), but you still need to splint your leg to be able to walk.

With broken a leg, you walk slower after the healing for a short period of time, maybe an hour-ish?

A little less common, most people don’t have morphine in their house.

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I think the most important thing is to make medical supplies more scarce.

Fucking up should be something that could be life and death. Each step, each move should be thought out and planned. Prevents rambo running through town.

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Everything needs to be more scarce. Hospitals need to be the most important buildings and Berezino and Cherno need to be crawling with zombies.

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Exactly! Gathering resources needs to be a common thing. Stockpiles in tents need to be goldmines!

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Since this has a lot to do with starting gear, I'll add my two cents

Current Instant Consumable Drinks-

Water Bottle


Coca Cola

Mountain Dew

Currently all these drinks make for a refreshing beverage, giving 100% of all the fluids you need to keep you going. Here's what I'm suggesting:

(Obviously not final statistics, will need balancing)

Water Bottle -80% Fluid levels

Pepsi -30% Fluid levels

Coca Cola -30% Fluid levels

Mountain Dew -50% Fluids levels (And if Mountain Dew and DayZ get a colaboration together, then 100% Fluids levels, and your arms get replaced with mountain dew cannons that launch explosive cans.)

Right now, when you're character gets thirsty you see no effect of that untill you character gets so dehydrated he begins to lose blood. Not very realistic. I've never been dehydrated before to the point of near death, but I assume when one becomes Barron of fluids, he'll get dizzy, he won't walk properly and then he will begin to lose blood and die. How cool would that be, to be lost in a forest, and be too thirsty to walk in a straight line, and thus without a compass, you will naturally end up walking in circles.

Fun Fact: Your body uses water whilst digesting food. meaning you will get thirsty whilst eating

Same with food; more tiers of food to be eaten. Hopefully something like can naturally turn into currency. trading two tins of high quality Heinz beans for a watch or some ammo.

TL:DR Make hunger and dehydration have more effect on your character: Dizziness, obscure walking.

Also make tiers of food and drink

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