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Soldier clothing, is it legit?

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I have found some soldier clothing(s) several times, but as it doesn´t appear in the wiki I have always drop them

But, I don´t know, the last guy i found seemed legit, maybe he found it in a cheater´s tent, but anyway...Had to ask.

Thank you.

Edited by Mitor

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It is legit. The soldier clothing once has been in DayZ but was removed later again.

It's legit using those. However spawning new ones is not legit. Just like spawning any other item.

Also using any hacked in gear is legit as long as you didn't hack it in yourself. Just some admins could ban you from their servers if they don't like people using hacked gear. You can't get a global BattlEye ban though for using any hacked gear.

Edited by Labargoth

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No, soldier clothing is scripted into the game. I recommend you dispose of it when you find it.

It is legit. The soldier clothing once has been in DayZ but was removed later again.

It's legit using those. However spawning new ones is not legit. Just like spawning any other item.

The chances of actually finding someone who possesses the clothing from when it was legitimate are slim to none.

Edited by Xucphra

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Be warned though if you are going to use it, people who see you will probably automatically assume you are a hacker, if this is an admin of the server or whatever they may even ban you. I would be careful if I were you, its probably best to throw it away if you dont want to be labelled a hacker.

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Be warned though if you are going to use it, people who see you will probably automatically assume you are a hacker, if this is an admin of the server or whatever they may even ban you. I would be careful if I were you, its probably best to throw it away if you dont want to be labelled a hacker.

Yeah, that´s true, If I had seen someone wearing it, I would have probably assumed him to be a cheater...The clothes are cool anyway, (I suppose they are the ones some zeds wear...) they should be in game. Neither they seem overpowered, only a different kind of clothing...

Edited by Mitor

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