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Fun Murders - up Close and Personal

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Recently our crew has adopted a new tactic to mass murder anyone unlucky enough to be still logged in while we are on the hunt. Instead of old fashion DMR/Snipe camps, we grab any assault rifle short range (AK, M4A2, etc) basically anything that can unload lots of led fast. Get in to the vehicle and start driving around the survivor hotspot cities like Cherno or Electro. Typically when you see Zs in a city that a good indication a survivor is near by. So we circle around and let out some of our guys out in to a positions while the driver keeps vehicle moving in circles around city blocks to keep train of Zs and chaos going. Most survivors are then methodically face f*cked by guys on the ground or the vehicle as they try to run or take potshots at the moving car. We literally murder by dozens on a busy servers. This beats sniper camping any day, fun and fast murder spree.

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I gotta say, I would log out. Not because I'm a combat logger, but when someone comes at you in an organized group with that stuff, they just want to kill you for fun, no reason. Getting killed would just be a waste of time. These people should've done the same. Or hid.

Even if not, you always pick up a hacker and physco-bandit clan package when you play on high pop servers.

Edited by Neko-san

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At least you're not sniping. Sometimes if a lot of my friends are online we will do stuff similar. Sniping is boring. Not saying i dont do it from time to time butr when i snipe i prefer to snipe nwaf. A lot less action but you know when you kill someone there you are taking away days of work with one bullet. Oor at the vary least a 30 minute walk.

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Recently our crew has adopted a new tactic to mass murder anyone unlucky enough to be still logged in while we are on the hunt. Instead of old fashion DMR/Snipe camps, we grab any assault rifle short range (AK, M4A2, etc) basically anything that can unload lots of led fast. Get in to the vehicle and start driving around the survivor hotspot cities like Cherno or Electro. Typically when you see Zs in a city that a good indication a survivor is near by. So we circle around and let out some of our guys out in to a positions while the driver keeps vehicle moving in circles around city blocks to keep train of Zs and chaos going. Most survivors are then methodically face f*cked by guys on the ground or the vehicle as they try to run or take potshots at the moving car. We literally murder by dozens on a busy servers. This beats sniper camping any day, fun and fast murder spree.

We were doing exactly this last night on Namalsk. we had two camo UAZ's and were just driving around until we found some Zeds. then we just all jumped out and went NUTS.

You have my beans

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