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DayZ UN Peace Core now accepting new members

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As stated above, the ZUNPC is looking for members to join us. Here is some information and requirements. We are a friendly group of DayZ players who survive "one can of beans at a time" and also help out bambis and kill bandits. We know that sometimes killing other players has to be done for the good of the group, however bandit kills on non-combatants, bambis, or others who have already stated they are friendly is not tolerated by the ZUNPC. If the ZUNPC finds anyone who has killed one of the previously stated people, that bandit's life will be ended at the earliest possible junction. Other than that the ZUNPC tries to help Bambis and friendly fresh spawns whenever they can with basic supplies and medical attention. If you do chose to join the ZUNPC you simply put the [ZUNPC] tag in front of your DayZ name so that you can be recognized by other members who have not played with you before and by players on a server who know that ZUNPC members are friendly. The tag that will sometimes follow such as [ZUNPC] Nate [Medic], [ZUNPC] Bubba [sniper], [ZUNPC] Phantom [scout], etc. are completely optional and you can make create one at your discretion once you are assigned a role but again it is not required. Feel free to put the [ZUNPC] tag in front of your Steam name as well however that is also not required and is left to your discretion. The ZUNPC could not really give less of a damn about age, maturity and how well you get along with the group is much more important to us. To apply please add [ZUNPC] n.bro199 (myself) and/or Phantom ^.^ on Steam for an invite or post it in this discussion. We are accepting people who can fullfil one of the following roles, Scout (first one in, checks for other players and takes out zeds, also drives any vehicles we find), Assult ( Always had an assult/battle rifle and a lot a mags, if the group runs into trouble the assulter simply shoots the hell out of that trouble), Medic (should have more blood bags and morphine then ammo and is always somewhere close to the action just in case), Sniper ( Keeps the group safe at a range, will usually have a second sniper with him/her to spot and keep zeds away), Engineer (In charge of repairing vehicles and setting tank traps, bear traps, and barbed wire if the situation arises), Light Machine Gunner(LMG) (Uses 100-200 round mags to mow down hoards of zombies or pin down bandit groups) Zed Whistler (Uses a loud assult/battle rifle/LMG (FN FAL, AKM, M240 to draw zeds of fellow survivors to take them into a building and gun them down), Specialist (has some medical and industrial supplies as well as STANG, AK, and DMR ammo for fellow group members), Medium Range Marksman(MRM) ( Stays in between the snipers and assulters with M16A4 ACOG, L85A2, or DMR and can give a greater volume of covering fire for the group). Also please send the following information to apply:

Steam name (Not needed if you apply through Steam):

In game DayZ name:

Best Role You can do in a group (Out of the ones stated above):

Your time zone and/or where you live:

How well you work with a team (1-10):

Favorite weapon (Why):

Can you drive cars/fly helis well:

Why you think ZUNPC is right for you:

What would you bring to the ZUNPC:

Here is the link to the ZUNPC Steam Page:http://steamcommunit...s/DayZPeaceCore

Thank you feel free to Steam IM me with any questions you might have. Stay Safe and Good Hunting


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