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Gun Spawns

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ok so i am an advocate of having many guns implemented in the game. many can argue that it wouldn't work; however i have a posible solution.

the map can be divided into sections kinda like a ven dyagram with some overlapping. since many guns are simmilar, such as two 50cal snipers are simmilar enough that if there was only one it would still work. so if there are 5 50 cal snipers, all will bes simmilar aside from looks and maybe small variations in acuracy, dependability, stability, fire rate and scopes. to implement 5 guns would make no sence... unless we use my system. the map's diff sections will spawn diff types of guns for instance, section a could have a as50, akm, mp5 etc. and section b can have a barret, ak47 (or other simmilar gun to the akm) and a mp7 or uzi or other smg 9mm.

this system provides 2 things. variables to extend the new feel of the game and insentive to move around the map. if a player prefers the look, or even the stats of a gun then they can go specificaly to a part of the map to look for it. right now people are mostly in cherno and electro and experianced players in the nw airfield. with this addition people will be encouraged to more to smaller cities and create a more spacious world. this will also work with my idea with some fixed item spawns. this can include a museum in a small city without much else to offer for an antique item and also maybe a gold deagle in adition to a normal deagle found only in military in a sertain section and the gold only in a high ranking officer's office.

this is a concept and its far from finished so dont critisize the ideas. i will accept if you think the concept is bad but i dont want angry comments saying that a deagle shouldn't be implimented. thaks and ill keep up the posts.

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Fixed items spawns ruins the game and produces server hoppers and campers.

true, but that already exists and one player can have only so many guns.

also if a gun spawns in a museum, then it will not neccesarly be in one place. also there is still a % of spawns. lastly, an antique gun will be worse than a normal one, its just a easter egg kinda thing, and a gold gun for instance wont be any better than the normal one, in fact worse cuz its visible and shiny. with this said it isn't impresive to have these on a skill base and it istn't any better so the only purpose is that its cool to have and not over powered.

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Fixed items spawns ruins the game and produces server hoppers and campers.

Exactly. You don't want too many people hanging around waiting for a .50 caliber sniper, everyone would have overpowered gear in a very short matter of time.

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1) This makes absolutely no sense. Why would a gun only be found on one side of the map?

2) If they're all the same but look slightly different then really, what's the point?

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Part of the fun in DayZ is you don't know exactly what you're going to find when you creep into a house or a military barrack. So making certain items spawn in this part of the map takes away from that. It's worse with guns, for the already stated reasons.

"Already having server hoppers" does not justify your suggestion, and relies on the fact that we'll continue to have them in this fashion, which is both premature and a bad way of looking at things.

So let's not institute a mechanic into the game that only exacerbates a problem, rather than trying to fix it.

Edited by Riem

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Exactly. You don't want too many people hanging around waiting for a .50 caliber sniper, everyone would have overpowered gear in a very short matter of time.

the guns with more fixed spawns would be mostly atiques. the point of antiques is that they are cool looking and fun to have, but they

lack the practicality and usefulness of any other non antique guns. for instance, the luger. i thing the luger looks coll and would be fun to use as i have used it in other games, however since it is antique, it would be simmilar to the macrov with worse accuracy, noise, dependability and most all stats aside from dammage which is determined from the bullet size. there would be few guns, with a small chance of spawn that would be constraingt to a certain area, from instance as i said earlier, perhaps a gold desert eagle. this gun would have no enhanced stats and would be easy to spot since it is gold. the only use for this is that its a gold fucking desert eagle. on top of this, it would have only one spawn point, and have an incredibly low change of spawn.

essentialy: it is easier to find any modern guns elsewhere and the antiques would be there only for the variaty and unique factor.

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1) This makes absolutely no sense. Why would a gun only be found on one side of the map?

2) If they're all the same but look slightly different then really, what's the point?

look at a as50 and barret.

they are both 50 cal. this means that they will do the same damage. they will both have high recoil. they will both be very loud. the slight differencials would be in the accuracy, stability and dependability (assuming there are gun problems in the standalone such as jamming and mud getting stuck etc.)

so the two guns will be simmilar; however there will be a prefrence and if a player likes a variety of guns then they will travel to all corners of the map to find their desired guns.

since this game is supposed to be realistic, the variety of guns would help accomplish the goal. in real life if you go into a guns store there would be hundreds of types of guns. in a zombie appocalypse, they would be horded and spread arround to create a ridiculous amount of gun variety.

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Part of the fun in DayZ is you don't know exactly what you're going to find when you creep into a house or a military barrack. So making certain items spawn in this part of the map takes away from that. It's worse with guns, for the already stated reasons.

"Already having server hoppers" does not justify your suggestion, and relies on the fact that we'll continue to have them in this fashion, which is both premature and a bad way of looking at things.

So let's not institute a mechanic into the game that only exacerbates a problem, rather than trying to fix it.

im not 'insulting' the game mechanics. if a player choses to server hop to find a 1940's machine gun, there will be no imbalance in the game. as to the realism a ak47 is gonna be much more effective than a BAR or a luger to a m1911. if you chose to get one of the guns it puts all other players at an advantage. this is like in the COD series where they implement unorthodox items to add a challange, increase divercity and have a different feel than other items. i know cod isn't realistic but they are renound for their addictive nature and large spectrum of item availability.

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Let me break this down into teeny, tiny words, so you can actually comprehend the complex ideas we're trying to get into your skull.

First. Learn English. I said institute. Not insult. There is a vast and wide difference between the two.

Second. What? COD is renowned for large availability of items? You're talking about the game that has had the same set up since CoD 4, and has differed only slightly with each iteration afterwards in a fairly obvious attempt to just milk the market instead of innovating anything. And plus, you cannot compare what DayZ is to an on rails shoot em up, that attempts to emulate realism with characters that regenerate health.

Third. The problem is not what guns are available where, the problem is that you think that having fixed spawns for guns is a good idea at all. If you have fixed spawns, people will camp for them. It is that simple. If I have a reasonable idea that this weapon spawns in this general area, I'd camp there and hop servers in an attempt to spawn it. It's lazy, it breeds laziness, and it will only lead to an abundance of people hopping from server to server to server to do the exact same thing.

And fourth, please, use the edit button. It has a purpose which you seem to have oh so callously ignored.

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Let me break this down into teeny, tiny words, so you can actually comprehend the complex ideas we're trying to get into your skull.

First. Learn English. I said institute. Not insult. There is a vast and wide difference between the two.

Second. What? COD is renowned for large availability of items? You're talking about the game that has had the same set up since CoD 4, and has differed only slightly with each iteration afterwards in a fairly obvious attempt to just milk the market instead of innovating anything. And plus, you cannot compare what DayZ is to an on rails shoot em up, that attempts to emulate realism with characters that regenerate health.

Third. The problem is not what guns are available where, the problem is that you think that having fixed spawns for guns is a good idea at all. If you have fixed spawns, people will camp for them. It is that simple. If I have a reasonable idea that this weapon spawns in this general area, I'd camp there and hop servers in an attempt to spawn it. It's lazy, it breeds laziness, and it will only lead to an abundance of people hopping from server to server to server to do the exact same thing.

And fourth, please, use the edit button. It has a purpose which you seem to have oh so callously ignored.

i find it interesting how you point out the lack of realism in cod. i specificaly noted that there was no inspiration to take any form of realism from cod. all i said is that there are many guns in cod and without them it wouldn't be too succesful.

i also noticed that u find the need to be verbose. your lack of social intuity has directly caused my lack of caring towards your posts. maybe if you spent more time doing social things, you would have a realistic expectation to what would happen in such situations as day z.

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