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[STREAM] Blowing some brains with whatever the hell i find

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i'm not sure if this is the place for this, if it's not, direct me to the correct place, but i just wanted to gather some viewers for my stream with a friend


Just give it a look and see if you like it :)

The first stream, there wasn't much action for the first few minutes of the video, and the music that i was playing gets turned off once i realize it's playing, which is while being chased by zombies, me and collin were just getting to each other in the middle of the night for the first part, then the server went down and it was mysteriously brighter, so we started shooting things of course. the stream gets better as it goes along i feel :P it's been a while since i've done anything like this so i guess i was rusty


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Love watching streams. But less screen blockage please. seems like almost 50% is blocked out. And that manatee is scary as hell!!

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Love watching streams. But less screen blockage please. seems like almost 50% is blocked out. And that manatee is scary as hell!!

i know it's a pain in the ass to block it but it's a necessary precaution because people can find the server your in and snipe you based on even pretty basic information

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Hazzor..you're paranoid..get rid of the dumb logo..I play live and let people know the server I'm in..so what if I'm sniped..in fact I had two guys meet up with me and four others and we got along great for 6 hours..

seriously get rid of the logo and dumb walrus picture..it looks very poor

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i just stopped streaming, the viewers peaked at 6 at one point which is far from glorious but none the less it pleased me for a first stream, i'll keep this going and stream whenever i play with the friend i was playing with, which is pretty much all the time i play, hopefully i can build up a reliable viewer base

With regards to the screen blocker, i refuse to remove it, the walrus was because i couldn't be bothered to put up anything worth putting there, nor was i about to open up paint and make a blacked out area, though that was what i had wanted to do, but i just wanted to play DayZ!

I saw something another streamer did where they placed the stream chat box over the dayZ server chat, i might try do that, regardless of the fact that almost nothing gets said, if you have a twitch account you can follow my channel, it just makes it easier for you to see when i stream, if you missed the stream you can watch the "Vod" on my stream channel, which is


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Was a good watch. Thanks

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gonna be starting up the stream again in the next few minutes, on the hunt for ATVs

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second stream finished, still not many viewers but we didn't really get up to much this time so that's not too surprising, though i did get a great shot down a field on a goat with my DMR, i was proud of that...

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Stream is live again, Give it a look :) if you don't like the idea of following me on twitch but are a regular user of these forums, you could always follow this thread, that could work too!

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had a consistent 20 viewers that time :D we got some nice chat going, i hope for similar results every time, also i found some sweet gear in cherno that even made the stream chat jealous!

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Streaming again with collin, stop by :D i died in a shootout so i'm freshly spawned

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