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Is there any fix for the multiplayer fps drops?

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Processor - Phenom X4 955 3.2 ghz

Graphics - Gtx 660 TI

Ram - 8gb

HDD - Nothing special 640 gb 7200 rpm

I can play any map in arma 2 in single player with 1600 view distance(The max in DayZ) on max settings and my fps NEVER goes below 45~

However, in multiplayer, I get 15-20 fps regardless of what my settings are on. It doesn't matter what I change, it doesn't go up. I've only played on servers with below 150~ ping, and I've tried many servers. There is the odd rare server where my fps resembles that of when I play singleplayer, but its still never as high. Just kinda close. And as I play on that server, it will go down and down until a restart.

So my question is this. What do I have to do to get fps like this video?


How is this guy getting what appears to be 60 fps while recording? I don't understand it. It might make sense to me if when I changed MY settings they actually affected my fps, but they don't. I can set it to 800x600 everything off/lowest and I get 15 fps just like when I'm on 1920x1080 on all high. What is causing this? Please help me :/ I can't even play this game on lowest. Is the engine/servers really just that bad? If so, is there a specific server I can play on to get fps like in that video?

To end it, please don't post if you don't know something that isn't common. Because I have tried every fix out there, from the launch options, to the nvidia control panel settings, to using ramdisk, nothing has ANY effect. And yes, my drivers are up to date, I have verified that everything is running at the correct speeds, my bios is updated, the game just won't use my computer except at 20% potential when I'm playing multiplayer!

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It's nothing to do with your rig, it's the server being laggy, join another one, just because your game runs shit most people blame the rig, however with Arma2 the server sets everything & you have no control over most options such as view distance tec, these are all set by the host.

So if you join a laggy server even with a low ping, leave and find another, some run great, a lot run like treacle.

Good luck.

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Your pc is more than good enough to run at decent fps, your CPU is definatly the weakest link and knowing that arma 2 is much more demanding on the CPU it does hurt performance a bit. Just try all of the performance threads going around, I've seen loads of them!

Anyway if you try everything and you still can't get good fps hen it most likely is your CPU.

I've been upgrading my pc for the last months as I was getting money so I could play dayZ, I got the gpu first (radeon 6850), installed it, and noticed almost no change at all in fps, the only thing that changed was that now I could bump up the graphics and the resolution without harming the fps (it would still remain around 25-10 fps) and then I got my all of the other parts left (i5-3550, asus mobo, 8gb ram ddr3) my fps changed from 25-10 to 50-80!

So I hope my wall of text helped you out lol, keep in mind it probably isn't your hardware since I've heard people who have x4 phenoms and run the game just fine.

Edited by RazorPT
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