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Music group, Read this if you can play an instrument.

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Okay i had this idea about a mounth ago but got away from it.

I was on a private server and i was waiting in cherno for a freind to join, and i just dubble tapped the caps lock so i could talk to people that came by, i started playing guitar. (i'm not that good) when suddenly a voice said. Who there! i said i was freindly and just waiting for a freind. i invited him up in the firestation and he just sat there listining to me playing he even build a campfire. man it was great.

So what i want is to bring more music into dayz, and i tought why not ask the great forum of dayz to join me

My only requriment is that you can play instrument, and can talk a little english, or danish ;)

Also the way we'll mostly play is in a car and just boomboxing our music to the city of cherno and electro ;)

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Over direct chat, if you dubble tap the caps lock it is locked :)

I am not sure if it works in vechicels but what the hell.

And i just understood you question: Yes i do think so as of right now i do not see any other way ;) i could set up a dayz radio online but noone would listen :b

Edited by Michno

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