flyjum 2 Posted October 24, 2012 (edited) This is my player proposed attribute system for the upcoming DayZ standalone.The goal with the system is to promote more of a survival game and less of a deathmatch type game.None of these stats will be visible besides the way your survivor acts.The new stats would beHealthBloodSanityFoodWaterHealth:This is you "life" or "HP" at will act somewhat similar to how blood is now.Your health will be lowered by gunshot woulds. zombie attacks, fall damage or even infection/sickness.Health will be replenished by various ways including some medical supplies or possibly even resting.Your starting health can be increase over what is normally the max in various ways.Blood:The new blood system will work somewhat how it is now.You will lose blood from bleeding but not necessarily from damage.Bleeding is caused by gunshot wounds, zombie attacks or even broken bones.Blood will replenish overtime or from blood bags.Being low on blood will cause various effects including passing out, vision problems and more.Sanity:This will replace the current stat of humanity and most likely be the most important stat besides health.The sanity system will work kinda as the humanity system but with much more effects.Being sane or insane will change the game by changing how the player's survivor acts.If you are sane everything will seem normal.When you are going insane everything will act that way.Your gun will shake, you will hear random stuff, see random stuff, your player will move awkwardly, picking up items might take more time.You will also gain positive effect somewhat by having a large amount of sanity like resistance to bleeding or slower wate/food loss maybe slightly better vision at night.Sanity will be raised or lowered based on player kills(murders) and zombie kills.For example say you spawn with 1500 sanity and you kill someone your sanity drops to say -1500(minus 3000 points) some effects will start happening.For each zombie you kill you gain say 300 sanity points.There will be "tiers" of sanity say at -5000 you start hearing stuff and at -10,000 you begin seeing things but again these are just examples.This type of system will have 2 benefits to the game.One it will stop the random killing along the coasts because it will not be worth to kill someone with no items for a loss of sanity.Two it will promote the killing of zombies to raise the sanity up a bit to have a buffer if you have to kill someone.Food/Water:These will work as they do now but with some minor changes.Food and water both will increase health a small amount(no effect on blood anymore)You will need more food/water the more you run.More stuff:Sickness and infection will both be added as new survival problems in addition to bleedingSickness will happen if you are in the woods or in cold areas too long like water.Sickness will lower the amount you can run and reduce hearing range.You can cure sickness with time, medical supplies or maybe some other wayInfection will happen when you get cut and bandage yourself(based on chance say 10% of the time)Infection's effects will be slowly depleting Health.Curing infection will be with antibiotics or with salt/water mixture(salt will be an item) Edited October 24, 2012 by flyjum 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serious Stan 202 Posted October 24, 2012 Good points, the humatiy system defenitly requires a rewamp. Im pretty sure we will se it in SA. hallusinations would be scary,, shaking.... not so sure about this.... :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
indominator 95 Posted October 24, 2012 i am truly sorry, but already discussed in depth, please use search function. And like rocket, i am totally against punishing bandits Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steppwolf 97 Posted October 24, 2012 No, please read what Rocket has said in every interview ever. NO PUNISHING PLAYSTYLES.Why don't we add xp from zombies wich you can buy skillz like jetpacks and shooting laser from your eyes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RebeccaHuff 0 Posted October 26, 2012 Day Z is one of the best zombie game I've played that's why I want some update on this game, I want to suggest new maps and opponents so that it is more interesting to play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 450 Posted October 26, 2012 Always with the sanity... no we are not going to punish banditry/KoS. How can it be that people still haven't gotten the memo yet?Besides, you don't become insane just because you killed some people and you certainly don't start seeing stuff out of the blue. And what the heck is up with 'large amount of sanity' giving perks? Ignoring the point that it's even more stupid that starting to see things because you killed a couple of people... you cannot be more sane than sane, you either are sane or you're not there is no increase to that.Also... the health system is already getting an overhaul. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites