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Looking to start a group (Have mumble+home server)

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I am looking to start a group of mature, smart and tactical players. I am in the Army so I would like military minded folks if possible but no needed.

*Mumble went down, so looking into another free program called RaidCall, it gets solid reviews, will be looking into it more.

*Must have a mic

*Must be mature, 18+ preferred will give a chance if below that.

*Must have a decent knowledge of DayZ

Once we get a solid group going we will decide on a name if we make it a public group.

If you have any questions/ideas feel free to post here!

Edited by Brentasaurus

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I will be intrested but I am new to the game I will dl mumble feel free to pm me

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hey i'm 18 and would love a good group to play with. i have ts but i could dl mumble if need be. been playing for a few months and have a pretty good knowledge of dayz in my opinion. i am far from a pro but i do watch frankieonpcin1080P if that helps aha! contact if interested i don't have skype sorry :s

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I'm interested, been playing for 1-2 months now. I am guessing mumble is basicly like team speak right? I think skype is better personaly

Edited by Kalindaluzzi

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As long as you don't act like a child its fine, Like I said I am willing to give everyone a shot. Skype can't hold more then 6 without paying, plus as someone said it makes your PC work harder. Mumble is less laggy for people.

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I don't act childish and I'm interested. I'll download mumble and contact you again tomorrow.

Edited by Lv Void Realm

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The mumble is actually down now, So i am looking into a program called raidcall if you want to check it out.

If I have not added you send me a F/R on skype : BrentakaEpion

I get off at 930:1000pm eastern today, so ill be on around then.

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