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A few things

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New Things(some may have already been said)

1. The Train Tracks gess what should have a train that runs up and down the map stopping a each station for 1 or 2 mins. Dont think the train should be able to be destroyed but players can jump off and on (and yes it would make you a target but it would be fun)

2. A Tank just 1 like heli or a server with tanks instead of helis .10 shells and 3 rounds of mag for machine gun.

3. Spray paint (maybe very Rare)just enough so you could spray your name or something on some walls.

4.Tape so you could tape you ammo clips together and make reload quicker

5. More Pockets(add ons) Like ones you can find and add to you(when i first saw the Czech vest pouch i thought you could were it on the front when you had the Czech backpack on your back)

6.More types of guns.


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2. NO! Bro a tank requires 4 people to operate *3 if it has a autoloader* sometimes more. PLus they are not easy to drive, where did 3-4 civilains learn how to drive a tank. Also consindering how rare and glitchy the rocket is, sounds op as shizz. Bullets actally do a good deal of dmg vs a heli. PLus, NO WAY IT SHOULD COME PRELOADED WITH AMMO!

3.Pointless. No point in adding it when rocket is busy with other things.

4. No, That actally dosent work very well in real life. This isn't cod.

5. This one has grammer issues in it. You CAN find better storage space. If you want more room then get a freaking better backpack because no pocket can fit a can of heinz beans in it!

6. Well this one sure explained alight. Because rocket is just a idiot and totally not going to add anything new to standalone..facepalm.

"ETC ETC ETC" Bro...this is suggestions not one is going to do he suggesting for you.

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