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Jeremy Beckett

Something Different...

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Tired of the same old' team deathmatch? Want something new? What I am trying to do here is not your average DayZ server; I want to try to get something going that could make this game better. I just need your help. I control a private server entitled "DayZ's The Walking Dead." The title alone kind of explains what direction I am trying to go here. This is going to be an experiment of sorts. I don't want to call this a Role-play server. I don't want you to think of some deep character background and have a different name every time you die. However, I do want you to put yourself into the mindset of what you would do if a real zombie apocalypse were to occur. Now, we can go into the philosophical debate of whether shooting on sight would really occur but I will save us all some time and continue on with some small rules to help provide some civility which in turn will produce more dialogue and enriching experience. My main rule would be no killing on sight. I don’t want to say that there is no PVP, that’s simply unrealistic but I feel so is killing on sight. For example, if one person finds another person and one person is starving and the other has food, the first step would be open dialogue and contact. If a negotiation goes sour, the starving player has every right to either walk away or risk starving in the search for food or killing the person who has the food and taking it to survive. This would be the ideal scenario just to name one. You can come in and join a group or survive on your own, that decision is yours. I do want to limit the amount of individuals you do already know prior to coming into the server. Just as in the show, “The Walking Dead” the group of individuals barely knew each other prior to the infection or knew a select few. The goal would be to eventually start out in one to two person entities and either join a group or survive on your own. There are additional rules designed purely to stimulate dialogue and therefore experience that I will go over with you individually. If this is something that you might be interested in, you may email me directly at jrb0585@yahoo.com and we will discuss possibly getting you started. KEEP IN MIND, we have very active admins and all hacking or deathmatching will result in permanent ban. We have no warnings, we don’t need you but you definitely could benefit from this experience. With this in mind, each person will go through an interview process over email to make sure, you are taking this seriously. There could be a lot of fun intense moments in this server if you allow this experiment to happen. If this experiment gets bombarded with COD douchbags, I can easily revert back to my current group of survivors in the server ourselves. I gain nothing from this except the additional dialogue and experience that this type of gameplay could create. Thank you for your time.

Edited by Jeremy Beckett
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for fucks sake change the size of the font and choose a better colour...i'm not ever gonna BOTHER to read that

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Why dont u guys just highlight it and read it thats what I and couldnt you just go and copy it and paste it on notepad or somthing god u guys want everything done for you -_-

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@Vex_69 -- For that matter, why don't you guys translate it into hexidecimal and, in your head, decode the resulting ASCII text! Why on Earth would you make some EASIER when you could make it HARDER! (*Sarcasm laid on very thickly).

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I didn't know that font size and color swayed people from trying something different and maybe find a new angle for this game that doesn't involve sitting in the hills of electro waiting to snipe some new player with nothing on him...

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Well how about u split it up to paragraphs etc...

Throw in some bullet points of features & ideas...

That way people can tell with a quick glance if they are gonna be interested or not

Instead u made a wall of text, painted it red...

People arent gonna be bothered to read it, in off chance its not gibberish

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If what you have posted means anything to you, take 2 seconds and apply some formatting...have some pride in it if you think its worth posting and want others to read it.

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To be quite honest, if someone is unwilling to put forth a bit of effort and read my post, they are probably not the type of person that I want in my server anyway. If anyone is interested, please send me an email provided in the orginal post.

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To be quite honest, if someone is unwilling to put forth a bit of effort and read my post, they are probably not the type of person that I want in my server anyway. If anyone is interested, please send me an email provided in the orginal post.

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