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Paint system, player signs and custom names

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Didn't see any threads on this and you guys might already be planning for something like this, but having the ability to paint on buildings, streets, etc and create makeshift signs of our own would be really intriguing.

Leaving messages for other players. Warnings, directions, helpful tips, lies to lure people into traps, tags for bandit territory and more. This would make for a lot of cool player interactions and group dynamics.

Second to that and unrelated to paint is player names, which could be fun. I know a lot of people are interested in more choices for player models and and customization and I think a cool addition to that would be to let players name each character they make and have that name register in a databank which could then be used to show daily death rolls of those who died on the Day Z site, when and how and where. So you could see if your friends is still alive or dead. As well this same data back could be used to name special zombies that might have a piece of loot on them or not. So a player might end up killing their former persona or friend who is now undead.

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I like the idea of tagging buildings with spraypaint. The only problem though would be that a lot of spamming would be going on.

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Sounds like a nice idea but a lot of people will put silly stuff up like "i fuck ded dogs" or "ur a faget"

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Yeah I thought of that, but it kind of comes with the territory. There are two ways you could deal with it. One would be to make paint rare-ish and limited in uses so when people find it theyll have more of an incentive to use it wisely since its in limited supply.

The second and much more constrictive way would be to just create specific phrases and words that people can select that are then placed on surfaces in a canned animation.

And some vandals can be cool, like literally painting the town red and other stuff like that. I think the pros far outweigh the cons of a juvenile minority.

Paint thinner could be another item so people can alter and mess with other people's messages setting up ambushes and stuff.

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