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My first day in the zombie apocalypse

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Purpose of this thread is to give an utter noobs view on the game, both in game and learning gameplay. Hopefully others can read this and learn from my experiences.

I spawn in, on the shore of some land. I have NO idea where I am or what I am doing, or even what I am supposed to do. I see a figure walking towards me, so thinking he's another player i run over to say hi.

Oops. Hey, why is he eating my face?

I manage to pull out my gun and shoot him five times in the stomach. He goes down after the third shot, but since i've pulled the trigger so fast i end up wasting bullets. But now the blood icon is red and flashing, and the screen is shaking. What the heck do I do?

I open up the keybindings screen and start looking around. While I'm doing this, about 50 of my closest friends show up and chow down. Dead.

*sigh* ok, how do i respawn? It takes me a while, but i figure out that i have to abort, disconnect then rejoin. I've spawned in at another area. Still on the shore, but i see some buildings near by. I run towards them thinking i can get some phat lootz.

However, it seems that running in town is bad. I've managed to alert about 20 of my closest friends, who want to have a party by eating my face. I turn to run from them, and head towards the closest building I see.

Yay! A door, I can hide in here....er...the door isnt opening! Its nailed shut! Let me in!!! I run some more, trying to find a building i can get into. At this point there is a small cluster around me, so i go through about 3 clips taking down four friends. But they've been bashing me and the screen turns funny colors and my hand is shaking.

*munch munch munch*

Respawn again. I notice now that there are an eye and an ear icon on the right side of the screen that have bars that appear when i move quickly. Perhaps not moving quickly is a good idea? So i start WALKING towards a town that i see. Some of my friends are wandering around in the distance, but I dont want to party with them, so i drop the ground in the middle of a field and watch them shuffle around. Waiting...waiting..please go away...


Respawn again. GRRRR. I'm nowhere near a town, but i see a railroad track and a road. I follow down the road (but not ON it) and see a town. This time I crawl the last 100 meters on my belly, and make my way into a two room house. I close the door behind me and see...beans! I pick them up and eventually figure out that I need to hit G to view my gear, then right click to eat them. Didnt seem to do much, but then i realized that my hunger meter is fully green. I probably wasnt that hungry. Oh well. I leave the building and sneak my way across the road towards another house. As i'm sneaking along, I see another guy RUNNING down the road, with about 50 of his friends right behind him.

Ut oh. His friends suddenly see me and become MY friends. He gets away, i get my face eaten off. Dammit.

Respawn YET AGAIN, and manage to make it into a town slowly. Pick through a few houses on the outskirts, but accidentally alert a friend that I'm here. This time i turn and BOLT for the nearby woods, and three friends follow me. Once i'm deeply in the woods I turn and head shot them.


Back into town, I hide myself in a house, pick it clean of beans and coke, lie down and log for the night.

Damn, what a fun game! Great job guys.

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Sounds like all of our "first day" in the Zombie Apocalypse :)

Now being as you logged in a lootable building, I suspect day 2 will go something like

"Log in expecting to re loot building I logged out of. Spawn in and BLAM BLAM BLAM dead to a player in the building as I spawned in....respawn.."


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Sounds like all of our "first day" in the Zombie Apocalypse :)

Now being as you logged in a lootable building' date=' I suspect day 2 will go something like

"Log in expecting to re loot building I logged out of. Spawn in and BLAM BLAM BLAM dead to a player in the building as I spawned in....respawn.."



Possible, but its a tiny building with only one room and an entry hall. I'm also (i think) in a very out of the way area of the map. Still on the coast, but not in a very large building.

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Haha, when I bought the game I did the in game tutorial. I suggest it, it really helps. And in reply to Faamecanic, that might of been me ;) I've had some random dude spawn in front of me, and without a second thought I just blew his ass to china town.

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Haha' date=' when I bought the game I did the in game tutorial. I suggest it, it really helps. And in reply to Faamecanic, that might of been me ;) I've had some random dude spawn in front of me, and without a second thought I just blew his ass to china town.


What in game tutorial? The Arma2 bootcamp, or does dayz have its own.

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I just started and man, that was fun.

My first log in was at night. As you can imagine... very disorienting. I threw a flare out and saw a road. Then I threw another flare along the road and started following it. I quickly spent all 10 flares without finding anything but more road. I realized I couldn't do anything in complete darkness so I decided to respawn. I thought cities might have lights so if I respawned near one, I could walk towards it.

Spawned, I could hear the ocean but again, couldn't see anything. Threw a flare but it went over a hill. Walked towards it and somehow, fell on water. I swam for a long time, until I started to suffer from hypothermia but I couldn't find land. I couldn't send flares either because I was swimming. I still don't know what happened but maybe there was some cliff that I couldn't climb from water.

Anyway, I chose another server, hoping there would be daylight and voilá! I could see! :D

Spawned in the water so swam to shore. There were many zombies and 2 big silos with ladders. Sneaked to one ladder and climbed it to get a good view of the area. Saw someone prone before realizing that zombies could go prone too so I spent some minutes asking who he was over global chat. Eventually, someone told me I was talking to a zombie... :rolleyes:

While I was waiting for a good time to climb down the ladder, another player spotted me. He told me to run into a warehouse if I was spotted. Sure enough, they started attacking me while I was still going down so I ran to the warehouse. The other survivor got there too and we started to pick them off... until I had no bullets.

Then, we made a run for it and we split paths. When I lost them, my vision was all gray and shaking so I basically used everything in my inventory. Sneaked out of that crowded place and into a building. Found some more food there that I ate right away to recover, then I sneaked out of the urban area to a cluster of trees and disconnected.

So... here I go again! Vision's still gray and I'm at 4000 blood I think. Hopefully, I can get through it :cool:

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I found the best way to learn about the game was to watch others letsplays. You quickly pick up tips from more experienced players. I had to wait 2 weeks till payday to buy the game so letsplays were the only way I could get DayZ fix in that time.

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I found the best way to learn about the game was to watch others letsplays. You quickly pick up tips from more experienced players. I had to wait 2 weeks till payday to buy the game so letsplays were the only way I could get DayZ fix in that time.

Yeah good tip. I watch many videos during the last week and learned much. However I am still a big noob and spend much time at and around 5000 bp. But I am surviving.. for how long I do not know.

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