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[CR] Is looking for Members

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{Chernarus Renegades}

Hello guys, this is the leader of Chernarus Renegades asking if anyone would like to join are wonderful clan. If you are not interested in doing so then get the hell of this post right now, if you are interested in joining then lets me tell you some stuff about us.

Chernarus Renegades is a DayZ clan that runs on a rank system, what that means is if you don't follow orders you will be kicked from the clan. We do have a home server but do to none active members we haven't been able to set up camp/HQ yet. We are currently only recruiting US/Canadian Players at the moment because of the lack of officers and clan members. If you are interested in what you have just read please reply or pm the application below with the questions answered.

If your Application is accepted and you want to talk/play I'll be on all night.



In-game Name:


Are you an active DayZ player?:

Are you in a clan or associated with one?:

Are you a Bandit, Hero, Survivor?;

Do you mind playing on private Hives?:

Do you mind Following orders?:

Edited by EximiusMiles
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Hey i'm very interested in joining you guys so please get back to me as soon as possible


Leroy Jenkins or Bardman22


Yes i'm very active


All, no preference

No I don't mind

No I don't mind

Thanks for your time.

Skype: Kitt97

Google+: Bardman22

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sup man..i want to join your group heres my info:




Yes for active player

Not in a clan but have a few friends who play

Survivor but am willing to protect guildies

Um not sure about private hive i have have my own server

No i dont mind following orders

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i have allways wanted someone to boss me around :my skype is declan1080


In-game Name:Declan's Gaming PC


Are you an active DayZ player?:Yes i am but i just got back into it

Are you in a clan or associated with one?:no

Are you a Bandit, Hero, Survivor?;survivor

Do you mind playing on private Hives?:don't mind

Do you mind Following orders?:no don't mind

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Age: 13

In game name: Todd

Country: U.S.A.

Are you a active dayz player: Yes

Are you in a clan or have associated with one: I've been in a clan before

Are you a Bandit, Survivor, or Hero: Hero

Do you mind playing on private Hives?: I don't mind but i like official servers better

Do you mind Following orders: No i don't mind

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Age: 21

In-game Name:Skipper55


Are you an active DayZ player?:Yes

Are you in a clan or associated with one?:Not anymore

Are you a Bandit, Hero, Survivor?;Survivor

Do you mind playing on private Hives?:No

Do you mind Following orders?:Not at all

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In-game Name: Aedrip

Country: USA

Are you an active DayZ player?: yes

Are you in a clan or associated with one?: no

Are you a Bandit, Hero, Survivor?; i am a survivor. only time om a bandit is when im starting to get gear.

Do you mind playing on private Hives?: no

Do you mind Following orders?: no. But i do like making suggestions sometimes. But i wont  go against order

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