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Should i buy Arma 2 now and get the dayz mod or wait for the dayz standalone game?

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I want this game really bad, and i mean REALLY BAD, but im not sure if i should wait or get it now. if you think i should get the mod now whats the website and can i please have a tutorial since downloading stuff is not easy for me. I almost forgot i have all the required specs except the graphics wich is HD 3200 graphics, and im wondering if i can still play? Someone said i can but i wont get the best performance, what does that mean? What will it look like, will the graphics be terrible or will it glitch alot, or will there be not much of a diffrence, or can i not play? (ya i know im bad at spelling, but its because im trying to typ really fast)

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sorry i posted this twice

Actually 5 times lol, but the forums are so laggy it only officially registerd 3 of them :blush:

got rid of the extras.

Try some of the links in here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/

Read some pinned topics at the top of each forum section too for lots of help.

Edited by 4L4N

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Well, personally. I love Arma 2 for Arma 2. DayZ is a lot of fun when you have friends and it works. But, I really can't suggest getting Arma if your only going to play DayZ right now.

DayZ Standalone is set to hit in December, if you can wait till then.

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I understand what you're going through but unless you want to play Arma 2 aswell then buying it just for the dayz mod is kinda pointless now, December is just around the corner, I'm sure you can wait for the standalone, occupy yourself with other games for now and before you know it it will be here in all of it's glory. The standalone shouldn't cost as much as buying Combined Ops and it'll just be so much better, just wait, there's only about 5 weeks until December anyways, it'll fly by. :)

Whilst the mod is good I'm so much more excited for the standalone.

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I should wait for the Standalone (due to payment, bugs, Hackers) and if you have the full requirements for dayz, the typical situation is that you will still lag due to zombies

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Dont buy Arma now for DayZ. You've waited this long wait a little longer, Arma II is a fantastic game and if you are getting it to play that and then also be able to try out DayZ sure pick it up, if you're only getting it for DayZ just wait till Dec.

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