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PCGN's US 1872 Presents: Sin - The Merchant

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Sin is the purest of pure bred treasure hunters. He will walk on foot over 10km just to check a loot pile. He will traverse through mountains, forests, and countrysides to check for probable treasure locations. He will throw himself through the middle of a zombie hoarde to grab that valuable engine everybody needs. He will find the shiny gem of a vehicle to promote his mercantilism.

Sin originated from the shadows of nowhereland to find a comfy home on the continent of Chernarus. First accompanied by his companion Ryker, upon arriving they learned the terrain and kept detailed journals of the treaures scattered across this new land. From weapons, to tools, to survival gears, to food and water, to the illustrious mountain dew and the fabled escape helicopter. Sin found it all, marked it all, and was immeasurably consumed by it all.

Sin and Ryker then teamed up with PCGN survivors, still new to the land of Chernarus, sharing their wealth and valuable insight into the treasures of the land. Sin liked his new group that helped to keep him alive while he scoured for new treasure coves and to keep the stockpiles stocked. Air raids into high value locations were numerous until a new foe was encountered in the wilderness. Magical treasure junkies started showing up performing magic not supposed to be present in Chernarus. These junkies could spawn their own treasures, be it a vehicle or helicopter or weapons food and ammo. They made life for Sin and legitimately searching for treasures less and less worthwhile and more of a chore.

So many times did these magical junkies interrupt Sin and PCGN that he almost gave up and set sail to the nowhereland he came from. Knowing the value Sin brought to the survival effort, PCGN and his comrade Ryker could not let him give up in the face of struggle! They orchestrated a contraption to combat the magical treasure junkies.

Sin and PCGN could not kill the junkies, sometimes could not even see them, and other times they simply disappeared before they could initiate combat. The only option for dealing with these junkies was not to combat them, but to prevent them from even entering Chernarus.

They rallied together and advertised the invention of the contraption, selling the entire population of Chernarus on the "Whitelister" and to join in on the fight against magical treasure junkies.

After successfully launching this new contraption together with PCGN, Sin was now free again to pursue his goals and ambitions seeking the land's treasures. He is now free to roam and wander through the coves, and has gained a respect amongst the population which leaves the only enemy as the undead zombies.

Sin now collects and hides his wares to trade and sell to the Chernarus populous, has made a very rich and coordinated name for himself, and spends his free time gathering medical supplies to aid the sick and wounded.

If you see Sin, you do not kill him. You wave and smile, and ask him if he needs that new piece of treasure you found or if he has in stock that piece of treasure you need.

If you do kill Sin, you have just awakened an entire continent's population, a sleeping giant, and they will hunt you down to end your miserable excuse of a life.

Find Sin the Merchant on US 1872 hosted by pc-gamers.net

*magical treasure junkies = hackers

*get whitelisted at www.pc-gamers.net

*stay tuned for upcoming events showcasing Sin the Merchant

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yea seriously! sorry guys. would a mod be so kind to just leave 1?

issues with my browser FTL

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Yeah, if you click submit and nothing happens, don't click submit again. Even if the page doesn't refresh, your post still made it though. Clicking multiple times will just make tons of duplicates.

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Yeah, if you click submit and nothing happens, don't click submit again. Even if the page doesn't refresh, your post still made it though. Clicking multiple times will just make tons of duplicates.

I've had two duplicated posts today. Both times I only hit "Post" ONCE and still came out doubled. Something is fucky with the forums today.

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Haha, I guess this is the result of me being sick and not logging in this weekend and mentioning the slow business in teamspeak.

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Side Channel text started the negotiations and then I was running through the woods to conduct the link-up. The trade was a shinny new pair of Night Vision Goggles with fresh batteries for a powder blue Ural packed to the gills with goodies. The initial link-up had to be shifted due to other survivors being in the area. The exchange occurred and the participants went their separate ways; both happy with their recent trade.

Sin is a trusted agent. His store doors are open for business.

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Sin The merchant with PCGN hosting halloween trick or treat event Saturday 11/3/2012

Stay tuned for all the proper details soon!

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We are averaging over 20 players per night, have added a merchant trading post, placed a few extra buildings across Chernarus, and have had some of the most epic firefighting moments between occupying groups during November!

With over 120 whitelisted players on our server, the action remains to be fierce and constant.

Get over to www.pc-gamers.net and signup for whitelisting and join the action! Then submit your youtube and streaming (twitch) channels to be implemented on PCGN.tv

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