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Have landed on Lingor Island, am now Lone Wolf.

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Yup, I put my hero days behind me, and have begun a survival of the fittest character on Lingor. I was absolutely brand new to the map and I followed some gun shots, where I stalked a guy for probably 10 minutes. He ended up leading me to a few buildings which I discovered were barracks, and while peaking around a corner he spotted me! So I quickly ran from side to side behind the wall scanning each side, and by now we both have zombies aggro'd. I hop into one of the barracks and pick up a M104, and hoping he hasn't came out and I hopped around to his side, where I see 3 or 4 zombies trying to get into the barrack he is in. He shoots the zombies with his Glock, and as he reloads, I pop around the corner and put a few bullets in his chest. His response? "Douchebag." And here starts my journey.

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