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DayZ running slow. PLEASE HELP

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Hi, I bought DayZ about a week ago now. I've been having a lot of fun recently. Playing with friends, and sometimes, even complete strangers.

The only major problem I have with this mod.

When I join a mutliplayer server about 75 % of them for me Lag like hell. When I'm in cities like elektro and cherno. It goes at about 10 frames per second, other times it just freezes. This is really annoying as you can imagine.

Although, when I run the game singleplayer, I get like 40 - 60 fps on medium, (which is also the graphics I play on in Multiplayer). I really don't know what's going on and it's making me a bit annoyed. So can someone please help me, please!

My specs:

GAINWARD Nvidia Gtx 570 1280mb

i5 2400 3:10Ghz

290 GB C hard drive (41.0 gb free)

Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit

4 gb DDR3 Ram, 1333

Thanks guys. I really need some help in this situation.

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Your specs seem fine, I'm thinking your internet? What ISP you using, and whats your average MBPS? I run an i3, and a 9800gtx, and have never experienced fps lag. I'm no expert but will try to help to help a fellow joey out.

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Man I don't know, you have a better cpu and card then me. Only difference with everything else is I run 64bit and have 8gbs ram. Oh and my hard drive (250gb) is pretty much empty except a couple games. I did notice when I was running xp and 4gbs on this computer I was getting some fps lag in games where as now I get none when I upgraded to 64bit and the 8gbs.

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1.You have your OS and games on the same harddrive? You should allways split this and i mean not 2 partitions on 1 harddisc, but 2 harddiscs.

2. Maybe you want to buy another 4GB ram?

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Adding 4gb ram I'm sure will help, but he can't do that until he gets a 64bit os. If able to upgrade to 64bit and then add the extra 4gb then I'd definetly do it.

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I have similar lag problems, and definitely FPS problems.

It's a known DayZ issue that many servers have. Look for completely different server (and use the most recent arma2 beta patch!!!)

Servers that require the beta (98616, 98666 or 98701+) are the best and have the least lag.

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