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The Bandit Outfit...

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I'm just going to make this a bit short. The bandit outfit in DayZ seems to be rather tacky and the fact that your backpack won't show up when you have the Bandit Outfit seems like an slight unfair advantage. The old bandit outfit seemed to have a more bandit-like feel to it. I really hope that in the later patches that you guys will change the outfit to something that seems to make more sense. (Probably going to get several negative replies.)

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An extremely friendly player using a hacked loadout asking for changes on the bandit skin.

Seems legit.

You do know because of the huge increase of 'hackers' lead to hacked boxes and a lot of mayhem, right? I end up coming across a f*ck ton of them.

Also, if you're not going to post anything related to the thread, don't post at all. You're just making yourself look like a douche.

Edited by Mr-Zer0

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