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Pvt. James Duke

Lock-On Rocket Launchers

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As the game became famous with more and more people joining-in the servers. some "simple" original dayz weapons such as thermals and 5O caliber rifles started to generate problems with the gameplay.

You can easily deduce what kind of issue would be added by the implementation of any new or highly sofisticated weapon.

Especially since these weapons are often used by a precise category of player.

Players who will only rely on it for what I name "trolling" (you can consider this, since I am a full-time bandit)

If you want to hit vehicules, I suggest you take the time to find/trade a M16 with M203 launcher.

With two or three grenades, you'll be able to burst your motorised targets easily.

You'll notice that players who play in 4 to 6 players squads usually tend to think they are invincible and invisible ; )

I have some victims with this device. My best shots were destroying vehicules with squads of players by using the M203 + M16 combo.

I even bursted a chopper who's pilot was silly enough to autostationary over my nest.

Drakan the Hut'

NOTE : I guess that many of you never heard about the price of a Javelin, Stinger and TOW missile..

Edited by Drakan

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Yes but those signs are designed for people with some kind of military training, not for any ole joe.

What if there is conscription in Chernarus?

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Rockets in DayZ?

Um no, this would lead to players firing on anything they can make go boom and collapse.

Rockets in DayZ = After 3 weeks = No Towns left since everything has been hit by a rocket,....how would a looting table work for collapsed building due to rockets.

This idea is something that the OP would like and think is cool but from a game design and logic angle,...it doesn't work and would break the game and derail it's focus.

Now if you want to have rockets which you can cut open and remove the explosive material for crafted makeshift mines or booby traps then I can see that but no Rockets that fire.

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yo brosephs can we get this in dayz but add in targeting and destruction so I can wipe cherno of the map. any joe citizen could repair it with a paperclip and some scrap metal, as long as theres a internet cafe somewhere in chernarus so I can google launch instructions I think I dont need teh trainingz aauWxEh0.jpg?st=BxHSQGuR9fV2q7VcwTcG9w&e=1354407095

Edited by Skrewy

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