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Wallace (DayZ)

Looking for an Active Clan

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Hi my name is Wallace. I've been playing for a little over a week, and I have a pretty good feel for the game. I'm lloking for an active, I repeat active, clan to play with. The games fun solo, but I want a group.

I'm 21 years old, I play tactically, I'm looking for other mature players who play the same way.

I live in Kentucky and my Time zone is Gmt-5. It is 9:01 P.M. at the time of this post.

I would like to play on Main Hive servers, US#### and so, but I will play on a Private Hive if it is the same as the regular map, with little variation to default spawns and such. The Hive would also have to be stable, have a good amount of players that frequent it, and have good anti-hack security and good active admins.

I'm looking for people I can get on TS with and play this game to its fullest.

If you think I would be a good addition to your group, and you meet the above specifications, please send me a PM or reply in this thread, and maybe we can start playing together.

Thanks for your time reading this, and have a good day.

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Howdy mate, check us out @ The BSB Network - http://www.bsbnetwork.com

We have been around since 2002 (so very stable) and supported Day Z since launch and will continue to do so well into stand alone. We're mostly adult gamers but we dont have any silly rules , trials or requirements other than fair play and common sense. We have our own populated server (see my signature) and Mumble server and our Day Z players are divided between 3 different Factions according to their style of play ; Ravens (Heroes), Scorpions (Bandits) and Jackals (Mercenaries/Traders/Inbetweeners!).

We have regular Faction Wars seasons (8-12 weekly gaming events for the factions to compete against each other for points) as well as other cool regular events such as Bounty HunterZ and fun skirmishes. Lots to keep any Day Z player entertained.

Why bother with new or untested clans that are likely to be here today and gone tomorrow? If you are interested just visist our website (http://www.bsbnetwork.com) and apply to join (Community menu), or alternatively just join our server and get a few games with us to see how we roll - no obligation to join. Best to join Mumble too though as it makes things easier!

Hope to see you in game with us soon!

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