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]TPG[ Total Punishment Gaming - Community Recruitment [Established Private Hive]

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*** PLEASE NOTE *** Our game and teamspeak servers are finally back up! We've changed hosts and therefore ips, so please check our new info: DayZ - TPG Private Hive Virginia US 106 [DayZ][Regular][170+VEHICLES][bRIGHT NIGHTS][AI PATROL][NO M107/AS50][uTC -06]. *** PLEASE NOTE ***

We've recently made some changes here at US 106: ai patrols (bandit/survivor/military groups), day/night cycle, building lights + lampposts, full-moon nights, removed as50/, animated heli crashes, custom building placements and customized loot tables. We're looking for everyone in the community who plays DayZ to weigh in on the changes. We want all opinions so we know how we need to tweak our server to provide the experience you're looking for.

A little about us: ]TPG[ is a casual, community-based gaming clan. We were started as a CS:S and TF2 clan, but we've since evolved and expanded into many other games, including DayZ. Of the games we play, we take DayZ the most seriously. That being said, we're about having a good time and surviving - not about being douches.

We recently added a 2nd DayZ server - DayZ - DayZ - TPG Private Hive Virginia US 106 [DayZ][Regular][170+VEHICLES][bRIGHT NIGHTS][AI PATROL][NO M107/AS50][uTC -06]* - a 50-man day/night cycle private hive server based in Virginia, and there are many members and regs playing throughout the day. While our community hails primarily from the USA's east coast, we have players from Canada, the UK, Malta, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and Australia (and perhaps a couple more I forgot).

We try not to shoot first and we generally respect anyone's coastal declarations of friendly. We like to work as a team to raid towns for gear, find and fix vehicles and the like. Most of our players have 6 or more weeks of experience, but we are happy to welcome anyone regardless of skill, experience or geographic location.

So if you're looking for a group of active, mature, team-centric DayZ players to check out and maybe run with, point your browser to totalpunishmentgaming.com, joinDayZ - TPG Private Hive Virginia US 106 [DayZ][Regular][170+VEHICLES][bRIGHT NIGHTS][AI PATROL][NOM107/AS50][uTC -06] and hop in our public teamspea (ts3.totalpunishmentgaming.com) to say hello - we'd love to meet you.

If you aren't interested in joining our community, but are looking for a well-administered and constantly patched private hive server I invite you to pop in and give our server a test drive. Our server will employs auto-restarts every 3 hours in order to keep time desync and loot staleness at bay.

If you would like to contact me about this post, or really anything at all, please feel free to do so via pm here (fair play - i check it rather infrequently) or via steam (where you're much more likely to receive a quick reply). Stay safe, Chernarus!

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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Pretty awesome server!

Name: Jaciel

hey man, i recognize you from sidechat yesterday. good to see you had a positive experience with our relatively new server.

hop in teamspeak sometime if you feel like it!

stay safe (:

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had a great weekend fixing vehicles and getting shot at by bandits, with varying levels of aiming skill.

i even killed one or two in the process (;

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we were full into the wee hours of the morning. it's great to see so many new faces around (:

want to join in on the fun? come check out the ]TPG[ us106 private hive.

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anyone looking for help, let us know. we're all over the map atm so maybe we can lend a hand.

and if you're looking for a survival group to run with, give us a look (:

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do you guys plan on patching to 98443?

i would love to get a crack at your server!

we aim to always be running the latest arma 2 beta patch so i assume we are, but i've been at work since 8 am so i don't really know.

if not today, then we'll have it updated by tomorrow afternoon, EDT.

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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I would suggest staying away from this server with such childish admins. Have not had a good experience on the server at all.

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I would suggest staying away from this server with such childish admins. Have not had a good experience on the server at all.

i'm sorry you feel that way.

care to expand on your vague statement? there are exactly three admins, and i wouldn't call any of us childish. we each strive to provide the best experience we can, so your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by ctrl-alt-DESTROY!

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we had an awesome time holding down the cherno church and helping those in need last night.

2 hours and only the one guy tried to kill us. not even that hacker with the airstrike could ruin our fun (or kill any of us)... though it sure did scare the shit out of us!

that church is a hell of a strong structure.

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I have been killed by a guy named dagger for no reason what so ever , was unarmed and I asked what the F*** was his problem and he just bad mouthed me even after he claimed friendly said he was admin and would ban my a** for running my mouth.

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